by Thomas Mills | Oct 4, 2019 | Editor's Blog, NCGOP
A New Yorker article says North Carolina Congressman Mark Meadows (R-11) was involved in a land deal to purchase fossil-rich land at a place called Dinosaur, Colorado. Meadows failed to mention the deal in his financial disclosure statements, a violation of campaign...
by Kirk Kovach | Aug 29, 2019 | 2018 elections, 2020 election, Campaigns, The Kovach Corner
Back to the future! In what is likely, and certainly feels like, the longest congressional election ever, the voters of the 9th District are going to the polls. If you’re interested in digging into the numbers, as always Prof. Michael Bitzer from Old North State...
by Kirk Kovach | Aug 8, 2019 | Health Care, NC Politics, PODCAST
Graig Meyer joins the conversation to discuss Medicaid Expansion and the state of the North Carolina budget negotiations. Q: Do you see any legitimate downsides to Medicaid Expansion? A: No.
by Kirk Kovach | Aug 6, 2019 | 2018 elections, 2020 election, NC Politics, The Kovach Corner
In the wake of the tragic massacres in our nation over the weekend, one in El Paso, Texas, the other in Dayton, Ohio, most if not all Americans took a moment to reflect on the type of rhetoric and inaction that has brought us to this point in American history. I say...
by Kirk Kovach | May 28, 2019 | NC Politics, Politics, The Kovach Corner, US Senate |
As it stands now, Democrats need a candidate for US Senate. There have been a few candidates to throw their hat into the race so far, but none of them have the fundraising ability or the institutional support to mount a realistic challenge against the incumbent Thom...
by Kirk Kovach | Apr 25, 2019 | 2020 election, NC Senate Races, The Feed, The Kovach Corner
Morning Consult released a poll this morning that showed Republican Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina hemorrhaging support from members of his own party. In February, Senator Tillis publicly opposed President Trump’s national emergency over the border wall,...