Well, it looks like Thom Tillis snuck in and got the keys to his twitter account again. On Thursday night at 11:45, Tillis tweeted, “Reid/Hagan’s sketch ads in NC: DESPERATION. Bright side: NC gets $6+ million in our economy. Thanks Harry. #ncsen.”
It took me a minute to decipher it but the translation is, “Harry Reid and Kay Hagan are running bogus ads against me. It’s a sign of desperation. On the bright side, they are pumping more than $6 million into North Carolina’s economy. Thanks, Harry.” And just to make sure everyone following the US Senate race here saw it, he added the hashtag “#ncsen.” I think he should be held under suspicion of TWI (Tweeting While Intoxicated).
Social media can tell a lot about a person. In this case, it reveals that Thom Tillis was either drunk or that he’s not a very sophisticated politician. He should be above the fray instead of worrying about the ads being run against him. Or at least he should give that impression.
His tweets give a interesting view into Thom Tillis. He’s more ambitious than serious. When he’s not on the campaign trail, he should be spending time with his family, reading a book or otherwise relaxing. Instead, he’s on twitter obsessing about attack ads.
While Tillis has been on a fast-track, his move to US Senate candidate has been a leap. He had served just two terms when he was elected speaker. He got there by driving around the state helping Republicans get elected in 2010. He was elected speaker more for his politics than his savvy as a legislator.
As speaker, Tillis has never had a firm hold on his caucus and repeatedly got out-maneuvered by his senate counterparts. He’s been a mediocre leader but a hard campaigner. His politics have gotten him further than his policies.
Tillis let’s his opponents get under his skin and when unregulated, sounds like the talking-point-tweeters who repeat the party line with very little analysis or insight. And finally, he’s a guy who is more concerned with own well-being than the people electing him.
Repeat after me, Thom: “It’s not about me. It’s not about my opponent. It’s about the voters.” And the voters could care less what you think about Kay Hagan or Harry Reid. They care about what you can do for them.
Please, no good advice for Tom, ok? We need to be throwing him anchors…