Last night, Donald Trump showed exactly how badly he and his campaign have melted down. At the Al Smith Dinner in New York City, Trump attacked Hillary Clinton at a venue that was supposed to be relatively civil. He received boos from an audience of his fellow New Yorkers, many of whom were probably Republicans. He got no respect in his hometown.
The race for the presidency is no longer about who will win but about how badly Trump hurts down-ballot Republicans. Barring catastrophe, Hillary Clinton will be the next president but she lacks the popularity to have long coattails. Trump’s performance will have more influence on the rest of the ticket than she does.
North Carolina has competitive races up and down the ballot. The governor’s race is the most watched gubernatorial race in the nation. Deborah Ross’ challenge to Richard Burr has turned into a nail-biter that’s made Ross a superstar among Democratic supporters across the country. The treasurer and attorney general races are both open-seat contests and the lieutenant governor’s race is a rematch in race that was decided by just a handful of votes in 2012. All of these contests could be heavily influence by what happens with Trump.
This week, the state GOP and Richard Burr seemed to start to put some distance between themselves and Trump. When Trump declined to say whether he would accept the results of the November election, Dallas Woodhouse, executive Director of the NCGOP, put out a statement saying, “We at the North Carolina Republican Party are not aware of election results being optional.” Burr said that he didn’t believe we have any problems with our democracy. Pat McCrory and other Republicans declined to comment.
All cycle, Republicans have made the decision to stick by their nominee even as Republicans elsewhere abandoned him. It may be too late to put any distance between themselves and Trump. Early voting started yesterday and turnout will probably make more difference than any messaging they can do now. The whole NCGOP cast their lots with a self-serving con man with few scruples, arguing that he’s better than Hillary Clinton. Now, they just need to hope that Trump’s conned enough North Carolinians or Clinton has repulsed enough to drag them across the line.
BTW, you people were warned about the Kommmies with the Commy Manifesto in 1963.We’ve let the Moslem Brohood, ISIS, Kommies, Illegals and everyone else come in this country. You won’t have to wait long for Iran or North Korea to bust a couple of nukes on the USA, cuz Killery sold the uranium to them. Remember the Rosenburgs? They got the electric chair for treason and espionage handing nuke stuff over to the Ruskies. You boys who think you are so smart should look at history and see what you find. Jerusalem was attacked in 638AD by More-ham-ed’s me, the Knights Templar were guarding the city. That’s what really set of the Crusades, the moslems just kept going to other places in europa. Worry about Turkey too. Read this –
This is the remarkable story of Haj Amin al-Husseini who was, in many ways, as big a Nazi villain as Hitler himself. To understand his influence on the Middle East is to understand the ongoing genocidal program against the Jews of Israel. Al-Husseini was a bridge figure in terms of transporting the Nazi genocide in Europe into the post-war Middle East. As the leader of Arab Palestine during the British Mandate period, al-Husseini introduced violence against moderate Arabs as well as against Jews. Al-Husseini met with Adolf Eichmann in Palestine in 1937 and subsequently went on the Nazi payroll as a Nazi agent. Al-Husseini played a pivotal behind-the-scenes role in instigating a pro-Nazi coup in Iraq in 1941 as he urged Nazis and pro-Nazi governments in Europe to transport Jews to death camps, trained pro-Nazi Bosnian brigades, and funneled Nazi loot into pro-war Arab countries.
You have been warned, pray your butts off, and be very glad that Israel has BIG nukes. Have trained with the IDF, they don’t play with the radical islamists maggots.
Well, If the KommieKrats win, our country is done. How many of you maggots have ever stood in the DMZ Korea and taken a long hard look,eh. I was there for 2 years, at different times staring at AK-47’s, etc. What does ISIS think of conservatives, gays, women, Christians,etc, you get my point,eh. KommieKrats go along with ISIS ideology, or haven’t you noticed,eh. You boys better grow some gonads, cuz if Killery wins, along with Cooper,etc we will probably have some bad sheeeeeit going down. The Brits tried the same crap in 1776. You people must really think old war horses like us are stupid. Don’t think so, there’s millions of us. BTW, all my family are Life members of VFW AND American Legion.
Thank you for your service.
Donald Trump is a serious threat to our national security. My family has been defending this nation from the beginning, long before 1776, and I, too, am a veteran. Since the end of World War II, we have been fighting against Russian aggression, and, for the first time in my lifetime, we have a presidential candidate inviting our enemies to conduct cyber attacks on the country.
He has threatened our NATO allies and suggested that nuclear proliferation might be a good idea. Trump praises Putin and berates our President. A recent article in Newsweek disclosed an intelligence pipeline to Trump’s headquarters from Russia. After Trump trashed a Gold Star family, the Russian leaders believed that no sane person or politician would trash American heroes who died in combat, and they decided to stop feeding him intelligence. Russians could not imagine that Americans would support a man who would show such disrespect to a family that had paid such a price. They could not imagine American patriots would forgive that, neither can I. Somehow, Trump supporters forgave him for his treasonous remarks, and the intelligence from Russia resumed.
While John McCain was being tortured by North Vietnamese, Donald Trump was banging “models” at Club 54 and snorting cocaine. Good for him. But when the issue of war comes up, he should thank those who sacrificed and leave it at that. Trump’s comments about POWs and MIAs were despicable and should have offended your friends at the VFW and the American Legion. If your friends at the VFW also prefer their heroes to be not captured, they do not speak for my generation. We have worked for the release of both living POWs and the remains of those we left behind. If the VFW does not support that, you should keep your opinions to yourselves because you are not real patriots. I suspect that your friends at the VFW and the American Legion are troubled by Trump’s disregard for the contribution of our veterans and his cavalier attitude toward war. He would get many of our finest men and women killed.
Russia and Turkey are planning to form an alliance with Trump’s America whereby we will betray our long-standing allies. We do not think that is a wise course of action, and it would destabilize the globe.
Mr. Trump is dangerous because he is incapable of commanding our armed forces. He has no military service, and he thinks he knows more than people who have dedicated their lives to serving the country. He lacks the humility to be teachable. He has pledged to violate the Geneva Conventions and to order our men and women in arms to commit war crimes. Supporting the Geneva Convention helps our men and women in combat as it says we expect our troops to be treated with the same code of conduct.
Mr. Trump has business relations with crime families in Eastern Europe and owes at least $650,000 to Communist China and bankers in the east. Some conflicts of interest are known but all the conflicts are not known because he will not release his income taxes and he does not disclose his business dealings. He has hundreds of joint ventures all over the world, and many of those ventures involve some of the worst criminals in the world. His reluctance to reveal his income taxes is probably wise, because he doesn’t pay taxes, and he raises money for charities which he spends on himself, but from a national defense perspective, his taxes would tell us who he owes and how much. He loves debt, in his own words.
I respect your service and your concern for this country, but every problem this country has will be made so much worse by electing a completely unqualified candidate, incapable of telling the truth and, frankly, not a very good American.
Sen. Burr had signed on to advise Donald Trump four hours before the Access Hollywood tapes were revealed two weeks ago. Talk about bad timing. The coarse language and the abuse of Trump’s female victims was a near-final straw for many Republicans.
But the nation and the party must wonder what the Republicans stand for.
McCrory was pro-business until the Fortune 500 rejected HB2. McCrory complained that he was being coerced by business “elites.” Is McCrory now against successful businesses? He has claimed victim status in the wake of criticism by big business. McCrory has been an ardent supporter of Donald Trump. Has McCrory endorsed sexual predators, Russians spying on the American government, denigrating MIAs and POWs and Gold Star families, mocking the disabled, failure to pay taxes, failure to pay workers, importation of Chinese steel and exporting of American jobs? He stands for girls not showering with boys. We know that. That wasn’t a thing, but he has his limits.
Does Senator Burr admire men who grope women in public places or sexually assault women when the opportunity arises? Is Senator Burr ready to be part of an administration that takes orders from Putin? Is Burr star-struck by Donald’s status as a big star? Is Burr hoping for a cameo on “Dancing with the Stars” or some reality TV show?
There have been no profiles in courage this election cycle by Republicans. Little Marco endorsed Trump. Lying Ted made a speech which sounded principled defending his wife’s honor and his father’s reputation; both were smeared by Trump. He later endorsed Trump, sounding less like Churchhill and more like Chamberlain. McCain’s service to the country was besmirched by Trump, but McCain fell into line with the rest.
There appears to be no line in the sand, no principle, moral stand which matters. The Party that stood for fiscal conservatism gave that up when Bush ran up the debt. No problem. They claimed to stand for family values until Trump brought his ex-wives and philandering into the public arena. No problem. How about personal integrity? Both Trump and Pence lie only when their lips are moving. The news media have had to adapt to the avalanche of lies with rapid-fire fact checking this year, something unprecedented in prior elections. Instead of backing away from the lies, spinners hit the trail with creative ways to explain the indefensible.
Is racism, homophobia, xenophobia and anti-religious rhetoric the new normal for Republicans?
If Donald Trump revealed that he worships Satan, would they go along? They’ve gone along with everything else.
Letting Roy Cooper debate the Governor is the best thing that could have happened to McCrory’s campaign:
Written by Mark Shiver. Who also writes for “The Civitas Institute.” So much for credibility and objectivity.
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