The Sandy Hook response

by | Oct 23, 2013 | Editor's Blog, Gun Control | 6 comments

Well, guns are back in the news. A 12 year old boy in Nevada took a gun to school, killed a teacher and wounded two classmates before killing himself. It’s a tragedy.

In Morrisville, the town council voted to allow guns on playgrounds in order to comply with state laws. Members disagreed with the law but felt compelled to uphold the legislation. Gun owners argue that playgrounds are safer with guns.

And finally, Renee Ellmers reported that an AR-15 was stolen from her unlocked garage. Gun rights activists love the slogan, “When gun are outlawed, only outlaws will own guns.” In Ellmer’s case, the slogan should be, “When irresponsible people own guns, they arm outlaws.”

The U. S. has the highest number of gun deaths per capita among developed nations. We’ve also decided we’re not willing to do anything about it. That’s a shame.

In North Carolina, we’ve decided the answer to reducing gun violence is to make guns more accessible and more prevalent. These new laws fly in the face of both research and common sense. But that’s the problem with the gun debate. It’s based on emotion, not logic.

After Sandy Hook, most people thought that the country would take some action to protect our children. We didn’t. Instead, we relegated school shootings to page 3 of the morning news.


  1. LiberTarHeel

    In North Carolina, we’ve decided the answer to reducing gun violence is to make guns more accessible and more prevalent. These new laws fly in the face of both research and common sense. But that’s the problem with the gun debate. It’s based on emotion, not logic.

    Your four lead-in examples are incomplete and unpersuasive. Please cite the research, specify the ‘common sense’, and define the shame to which you refer. Provide some facts to back up your argument. You’re hoist by your own petard, basing your argument on unsubstantiated emotional assertions.

  2. zephyranthos

    Sparks 911 calls were released within 24 hours. Newtown 911 calls still sealed by the State of Connecticut. Columbine victims’ families worked tirelessly for years to make almost 30,000 pages of documentation available to public; Newtown families lobbying daily in favor of sealing all Sandy Hook records. Something is very, very wrong with the Sandy Hook shooting case. As of today, the Sandy Hook report has now taken longer to release than the Warren Commission report on the assassination of President Kennedy.

  3. Conrad

    Talking about the Nevada shooting while posting a pick of the weapon not used. Sensationalism regardless of fact. Is this how it’s done in NC nowadays?

    • Thomas Mills

      It’s a picture of the same gun that is now in the hands of a criminal thanks to negligence by Renee Ellmers. Read the whole post.

  4. carbon

    “but the gun helps”…..

  5. carbon

    guns don’t kill people, only people kill people…….except a monkey with a gun……a monkey, a gun and charlton heston in a room and somebody’s gonna get shot…. (eddie izzard)

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