The political price of the senate budget

by | Jun 5, 2014 | 2014 Elections, Editor's Blog, NC Politics, NC Senate Races | 2 comments

If you are a Republican senator, living in one of the few swing districts and voted for the senate budget, you’re probably in trouble. Politics, you see, is about people, not ideology. And the budget you just voted for, whether the provisions actually become law or no, hurt a lot of people. Voters don’t like that.

Phil Berger said, “The centerpiece of that budget is that raise.” But Senator Berger is wrong. The centerpiece of that budget is the cuts. 

The budget will cut thousands of teacher assistants and cuts money for textbooks and other resources for classrooms and kids. So, get ready to defend increasing class size and denying students the tools to learn. Also, get ready for the backlash from parents who are already angry about the harm done to schools. 

And watch out for the Medicaid cuts. You voted to deny healthcare to the elderly, disabled and blind. I sure hope you’re not pretending to be a Christian because then you’re not just mean, you’re a hypocrite, too. 

All of that sets up a nice contrast since you also probably voted for that tax cut for businesses. In essence, you sided with big business over school kids, the elderly and disabled. Most voters aren’t going to buy your ideological argument that you are making government more efficient and saving businesses money. They’re just going to know that you hurt them or people they know. 

I know. I know. You voted to give teachers the biggest increase in history. Unfortunately, those teachers are going to be mad at you for taking away their right to due process and gutting the rest of their teaching resources. So the only cover you’ll get is from a bunch of politicians and businesses. That’ll work out well. 

Even if the cuts don’t go through, you voted for them and you own them in November. Unfortunately, if your teacher raises don’t go through you won’t get any credit for that vote. That’s how politics work. You voted to screw a bunch of people. Now you have to pay the price. 


  1. Thomas Ricks

    This is what you get for ‘staying home because both parties are the same.’

    Bother – An annoying twerp who thinks both sides are the same no matter what evidence is present. See also Truther and Birther.

    We all know them. Are you doing YOUR part to stamp out false equivalency?

  2. Someone from Main Street USA

    NCGOP is absolutely insane. Slashing education to pay for a long-overdue raise to teachers – done in a way that ensures crowded classrooms, fewer textbooks, fewer TAs, etc. and so on.

    They’ve passed fracking even before they’ve figured out the regulations needed to make it safe. I know no voter who wants fracking – do you? They’ve criminalized discussion of chemicals used in fracking. How safe can it be for residents if you go to jail for mentioning the toxic chemicals used to extract natural gas?

    Last year, as they arrested NC residents for exercising their first amendment right of free assembly, they passed a law allowing guns in bars, parks and on college campuses. I fail to see the wisdom in forgetting about the first amendment and allowing people to bring guns and ammo into places that serve alcohol.

    The NCGOP has been told by fracking companies that the two gov’t surveys that show NC is not much of a natural gas producer must be wrong – so therefore we must find out for sure. NCGOP is also using state funds for natural gas exploration – helping to socialize costs of such an activity while ensuring profits remain private.

    They’ve passed a bill that allows prayer in schools while also slashing support for the blind and elderly. Perhaps they should consider actually reading the Bible. The actions of the NCGOP are so very far removed from the preachings of their savior.

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