The moment of truth! The moment of truth is upon us. Will Donald Trump actually win the first nominating caucus in Iowa, or are his poll numbers just a mirage? Is it possible that a late attack from the establishment will raise enough doubts about the businessman to sink him at the very last minute?

Imagine this headline: TRUMP TAKES DISTANCE SECOND IN IOWA, RUBIO CLOSE BEHIND! I would not bet money on it. But if this crazy election season is any indication, anything is possible.

The ‘sex predator’ card. The “my opponent is sympathetic to sex predators” card is the ultimate trump card in a competitive election, but it must be used carefully. Use it correctly, your opponent is a dead duck. Use it incorrectly, it will backfire horribly. To minimize the chance it will backfire, first make sure the attack is true.

This year, we could see not one, but two contests where sex criminals are a defining issue. The first is the Republican primary for governor. After former Rep. Robert Brawley of Iredell County launched his primary campaign against Governor McCrory, the McCrory camp decided to go nuclear – attacking Brawley for seeking a lesser sentence for a convicted child molester. Usually, that spells doom for the attacked candidate. But because toll roads rank right up there with child molesters in the “things we hate” category for many of those in the North Mecklenburg area, Brawley is still alive – for now.

Then there’s the U.S. Senate race, where Deborah Ross is the heavy favorite to be Burr’s Democratic challenger. Ross might have some baggage from her days as state director of the ACLU: in 1997, she lobbied against legislation that established the state’s sex offender registry. Her campaign insists that her ACLU days are just another example of Ross being “a strong voice for individual opportunity and freedom.” No matter – if the Senate race becomes competitive, that’s an ready-made ad coming to a television near you this fall.

U.S. Rep. David Price endorses Hillary. Not that anyone expected a Democrat from our congressional delegation to endorse Bernie, but it’s somewhat significant because Price’s district – the 4th – is likely to be the most pro-Bernie in the state because it’s the district with the highest proportion of white liberals.

Here’s the updated endorsement list from our delegation:

G.K. Butterfield – Hillary Clinton
Walter Jones – Rand Paul
David Price – Hillary Clinton
Patrick McHenry – Jeb Bush

No one else has made an official endorsement.


  1. David Scott

    While I abhor the idea that Trump will actually get the nomination, I can only hope he does. Why? Because, as the official nominee, he will finally make even the Republicans see that their party no longer deserves a place at the table. The GOP will ride a deranged horse off the cliff and into the abyss. Only then will it decide to rethink its policies and its vision for the country. Our nation needs at least 2 good political parties. We now only have one to choose from.

    • Norma Munn

      Agree re the GOP as a party and our need for at least two rational political parties, but having Trump as a candidate articulating the destructive, derogatory and nonsensical views as he does is also bad for the country in the eyes of other countries.

      • David Scott

        I couldn’t agree more that Trump is both dangerous and embarrassing for our country. And, hopefully, he will NEVER be elected to any office. His nomination and defeat, however, could finally wake the GOP up. Nothing else seems to get their attention except defeat at the polls.

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