The Governor has no clothes

by | Aug 28, 2013 | Editor's Blog, Media, NCGOP | 7 comments

North Carolina Republicans are in trouble. Not only because of what they’ve done but because they’ve lost any sense of objectivity. They started believing their own talking points and dismiss any critics, even from their own party. It’s a common affliction among wing-nuts of both parties but, in the GOP, the leadership has bought into their own hype.

When Colin Powell called out his own party and criticized their voter suppression program, the party dismissed him and the folks on social media claimed the General had long ago lost credibility. Maybe for them, but not for the rest of us. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be pulling down $100,000 speaking fees.

In a Bloomberg article, former Republican Governor Jim Martin said that the legislature had gone too far. But Pat McCrory was still blaming everybody but his own staff for the bad press and still defending the bad policies. In Asheville this week, he slammed reporters as not being smart enough to understand economics.

And when salary-gate broke, Pat McCrory defended $20,000 raises for 24 year old new hires with no experience by saying he didn’t want to engage in age discrimination. And he’s still using that line. Has nobody told him how silly he looks?

And while the whole GOP bandwagon is screaming that the voter suppression laws are about protecting integrity, not discrimination or suppression, Phyllis Shlafly, the right-wing homophobe, is applauding the new laws because they will keep Obama supporters from voting. Talk about stepping on your own message.

Virtually every newspaper in the state has criticized the GOP and many, if not most, endorsed McCrory. Instead of figuring out how to mitigate the fallout from the negative stories, Republicans have attacked the credibility of the media across the state. To hear them tell it, the newspapers and TV stations have all become liberal shills. It’s laughable, but it’s their story and they’re sticking to it.

The deeper they dig in, the less credibility they have. Cable news, talk radio and right-wing blogs might drive the narrative for the GOP base, but TV news and newspapers still drive it for the rest of us. Waging war on the storytellers is a bad idea.



  1. Lizzie Borden

    Art Pope is buying up everyone and everything in this once great state for his own personal profit and for his unquenchable desire for power.

  2. Susan

    He is not being silly!!! he is being IGNORANT to think that he can fool all of NC!!!!!

  3. Leigh (@NCCaniac42)

    And now to find out that he lied about lots of people applying for the ‘salary gate’ jobs when no such thing happened. It is just getting deeper and deeper. Can’t believe we have 3 more years of this garbage before we can vote him out.

    • Natalie Tschiedel

      You don’t have to wait 3 years, you can recall him.

      • nancy g. rorie

        Not in NC.

  4. Yvette

    This governor has been paid to choose to wear no clothes. Apparently that’s a very easy thing to do.

  5. Doug Roach

    Rather awkward that directly beneath the headline, “The Governor has no clothes”, you include a photo of some clueless minion of Governor Pope.
    Mr. Pope is the one who bought the office and such credit should be rightfully given. Mr. Pope is the one who should be displayed to the people of The Old North State as the man leading the parade, in his bare-naked brazenness, to his own undoing.
    Doesn’t take a child to see it.

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