Sue Googe Aiming for Upset

by | Oct 21, 2016 | Carolina Strategic Analysis, Features, National Politics, US House | 19 comments

It’s one of the most Democratic congressional districts in the state, but Sue Googe is fighting to become the first Republican to represent the Fourth District since 1997. The Fourth District was made much more compact in the recent special session redistricting; it no longer extends down to Fayetteville and now consists of Orange County, connected to much of Raleigh by a bridge through Durham County. Its longtime incumbent: Representative David Price, whom Googe is looking to dislodge next month.

Googe, who offers herself as a new kind of Republican, stands for criminal justice reform, tightening border security, term limits, and trade deals that put America first. She also calls herself a strong supporter of Second Amendment rights and someone who will fight for our veterans. Googe, who grew up in extreme poverty in Communist China, is seen by her supporters as someone who embodies the American Dream.

But a compelling backstory won’t be enough. Any Republican who hopes to win the support of the Fourth District needs to work very, very hard – to say the least. To that end, the woman whom Donald Trump labeled “high-energy” is going all over the district, picking up supporters in unlikely places. Her working the district might be paying off: in a straw poll put on by the Triangle Community Coalition Political Pig Pickin’ 2016, Googe swamped Price, taking 51% of the vote to his 34.7%. Googe was also seen as the clear winner at the recent congressional forum sponsored by the Cary Chamber of Commerce (Rep. Price refused a televised debate).


In addition, she’s been endorsed by Wake County Sheriff Donnie Harrison, U.S. Congressman Richard Hudson, and the Republican Liberty Caucus. She’s also received the backing of U.S. Congressman George Holding, who has told longtime supporters of his – redrawn into the Fourth District – to vote Googe this year. The Googe campaign is also making strides on social media. As of Friday, Googe had over 11,000 Facebook likes – dwarfing the incumbent Price’s 2,698.

So what are Googe’s chances of prevailing next month? Most pundits would rate the district as “Safe Democratic.” Both President Obama and Senator Kay Hagan won 65% of the vote here in 2012 and 2014, respectively. But it’s clear that Googe is at least providing what Fourth District Republicans haven’t provided in years – an actual campaign, with a spirited candidate. With Election Day less than three weeks away and early voting now under way, we won’t have to wait long for the district’s verdict on this “new kind of Republican.”


  1. Lawrence Kluttz

    Mr. Wynne, political discourse is the foundation of our democracy, and I respect your support of Sue Googe. I would like to bring to your attention an inaccuracy in your October 21 blog post. It has been Congressman Price’s longstanding policy to accept the opportunity to debate when invitations have been extended by respected, neutral third party organizations, such as the League of Women Voters, the League of Conservation Voters, or media outlets such as The Independent or WTVD. This election cycle, Congressman Price received no such invitation to debate Ms. Googe, though he did enthusiastically share the stage with her at the Cary Chamber of Commerce candidates forum.

    Lawrence Kluttz
    Communications Director
    Price for Congress

    • Phil Law

      Interestingly enough a request for a debate was sent by the District 4 GOP Chairman on 9/16 to the Price campaign. No response at all was received. Look if I was Mr. Price’s Campaign manager I would never allow him to debate Sue either. Career politician of almost 30 years against the American Dream. Our campaign is alway up for a challenge. Just like we will be ready to hit the ground running when Sue takes office in 2017.

      Here is the request in case your interested.

    • Matthew Arnold

      On September 16th I communicated Ms. Googe’s request for the opportunity to debate Representative Price to my counterpart, Mr. Bradford Thompson, the Democratic Party 4th Congressional District Chairman. I both sent email and a letter delivered to the party’s post office box in Chapel Hill.

      I have never received a response to either the letter or email. I am quite certain that Ms. Googe’s campaign also reached out and that, no doubt, she would be pleased to debate Representative Price with a neutral third-party moderating.

      Matthew C. Arnold
      North Carolina Republican Party—4th Congressional District

      • James Caudill

        So Davis’ campaign just got busted lying about “I didn’t get the email”? Maybe Hillary deleted it.

  2. Martha Cary

    LOL….you are lost out there. Don’t you truly believe the best thing is to destroy the GOP, as they have no goals, no ideas, no plans…just lies, hate, and damage to the state and country.

  3. Nortley

    “Googe, who offers herself as a new kind of Republican, stands for criminal justice reform, tightening border security, term limits, and trade deals that put America first. She also calls herself a strong supporter of Second Amendment rights”

    Sounds like a old kind of Republican.

  4. Ebrun

    Our RINO conservative pundit believes a liberal Republican could spring a big upset in NC’s Fourth Congressional District? I guess you have to be mostly irrelevant on this blog to counter the resident liberal. Reminds me of the team that was put up to “oppose” the Harlem Globe Trotters when they toured the country.

  5. Sue Butcher

    Sue Googe running for #Congressional District 4 seat is impressive; #Googe will apply in DC her tenacity for Freedom using her entrepreneurial spirit and business knowledge. North Carolina and her constituents will remember “she” represents them with her vote in Congress. She is an achiever and will do well representing ALL of #NC in #DC!

  6. The Analyst

    As a lifelong progressive, before it became fashionable to label oneself as such, it would be very hard to vote for a representative of the party of the 1%. I particularly felt in sympathy with the following: “She supports, and is supported by, Trump. She is endorsed by empty-suit Holding and empty-headed Hudson. Here’s hoping she gets crushed on Nov 8.” Trump is simply a self-impressed toddler Nazi who emits lies like a lawn sprinkler – You have to be pretty damn dumb to want to vote for him. Richard Hudson is naught but a polystyrene bullshitter. likewise this Holding clown: we should vote for him because, what? His opponent raises chickens? Those ads are unfathomable. The thing is, looking up Conservative, and especially Liberal in the dictionary, these are descriptive nouns or adjectives that do carry any sort of negative baggiage; in particular though, when did did being open-minded and optimistic suddenly become a pejorative? The glowing review of The Googe by a previous poster however, makes me think that free of the contamination of the Tea Baggers and the other Do Nothings, and the miscellaneous Dross above that are today’s Republic-con party, we might have a cross-party alternative to Price, who has done a fine job of collection a check and making sure his chair doesn’t move around by keeping his full weight on it. Of course, I do tend to line vote, as a rule. Tough choice.

  7. Greg West

    Sue Googe is a very enthusiastic, energetic candidate that shows genuine concern for the people she wants to represent. She doesn’t want to go to Washington D.C. to be a vote for the Republican Party, she wants to vote for things in the interest of her constituents. She is very open and reaches out to any person that wants to listen and she also listens to the concerns of the people she wants to represent.
    It is very rare to find a politician in either party that actually wants to represent their constituents and their state as the Founders had originally envisioned. Too many go to Washington and become rubber stamp votes for their party, to include the president if from their party, on legislation. Look at the current crop of Republicans and Democrats starting with how votes went from about 2006 forward. If our representatives and senators took the interests of their state and constituents to heart they’d vote in favor of good legislation regardless who came up with it and against bad legislation. They would hold presidents accountable rather than just sit back collecting a check while the party leadership decides what they should. They would also help push through legislation proposed by the executive branch that works for the interests of the American people.
    Our representatives need to be free thinkers and work for the people that voted for them, that means their constituency, not the constituency of the party as a whole. Sue Googe will represent the interests of every citizen from the 4th District, not just Republicans or just those that voted for her. She actually listens. In all of the time I’ve been engaged in politics Sue Googe is the first person I’ve seen that works this hard for every single vote. She doesn’t take a single vote for granted and that tells you she will work for you, your family and your community.

    • Matt

      Sounds great, but the type of politician you are describing loses. Districts are gerrymandered with the intention of creating heavily partisan districts. In a district that votes 70% Republican or Democrat, who is to say that being a rubber stamp for the party is not what the people of the district want. If you create more competitive districts, you will get more candidates willing to work towards solutions. Right now, in 75% of the districts, incumbents are much more worried about being challenged from the extremes in their own party than a challenge in the general.

  8. Immanuel

    Facebook ‘likes’ show grassroots support, different from hundreds of thousands of dollars from rich lobbyist and SuperPAC’s. Price didn’t even put up campaign yard signs. It looks like he’s taking voters for granted. A young, energetic individual should be applauded for trying to communicate with voters and at least showing some effort.

  9. Thomas Austin

    So we here a person that has lived in a country that Obama and Hillary want the USA to follow, the communist Chinese and the progressive socialist democrats attack at every chance. Maybe that just shows how bigoted they are for attacking a non-Caucasian female. She is a conservative that believes in America and the Constitution. Two things the democrats hate.

  10. Lynne

    While Price stands the better chance, it is nice to see a real race in the 4th. Googe is using retail politics in a way that is rarely seen in this congressional district, even courting votes that normally would be taken for granted.

  11. James Caudill

    Sue is a real American. God bless her.

  12. larry

    4th in for an upset…ha ha ha ha….ha ha ha ha ha ……ha ha ha ha ha

  13. Apply Liberally

    Wow, Facebook “LIKES,” a pig pickin’ straw pool, and a Chamber of Commerce pool. Looks like a landslide in store!

    Yeah, right.

    She supports, and is supported by, Trump. She is endorsed by empty-suit Holding and empty-headed Hudson. Here’s hoping she gets crushed on Nov 8.

    • Elizabeth Bennet

      Are you trying to spell “poll”?

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