Governor Pat McCrory got some rare buzz over the past few hours as a potential vice presidential pick – for Donald Trump, specifically. It’s rare to hear veep speculation about the governor because McCrory is locked in a tight reelection battle with Roy Cooper in 2016 and can’t run for both offices at the same time.
Nonetheless, conservative author and Donald Trump fan Ann Coulter thinks McCrory would be the perfect running mate for Trump. She likes his views on education reform and is particularly impressed that he’s strong on immigration.
Trump/McCrory? Here’s what McCrory’s campaign manager had to say: “The Governor is flattered but committed to making North Carolina a better place to live, work, and raise a family.”
Smooth response. And notice the lack of a definite ‘no.’ Instead, just a statement reaffirming that Governor Pat wants to continue to Make North Carolina Great Again.
Being touted for a national ticket is never bad publicity, even as a vice president under President Trump. But I would be very surprised, to say the least, if McCrory is on anyone’s ticket next year. Instead, he’ll keep steppin’ on toes at the state level – for how much longer is the question.
I’m an NC resident. Never were words as true written:
“My child is an honor student.
My governor is a Moron.”
Narcissist and Echo: sounds like a perfect pair to me. It wouldn’t be necessary for Pat to come up with new lies, since Trump wouldn’t let him get a word in edgewise–and nobody listens to the VP (much less a VP candidate) anyway.
Both McCrory and Trump have bad haircuts, so they should get along swimmingly—–hopefully off the waterfall into the abyss and into the “anals” of political history.
The boy on the runaway horse
Goldwater/Miller 1964…..Trump and anybody….priceless!
Best post on this blog ever ‘larry’. And as for Ms. Coulter, her books are purchased by right-wing think tanks en masse and then shipped off by the pallet full to the shredders – all so it can be said somewhat factually (and with a straight face) that she is a ‘best selling author’. Trump/McCrory/Coulter – just when I thought the GOP could never top McCain/Palin! Just maybe there’s hope for redemption yet …, that is unless the unspeakable happens!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ann Coulter ha ha ha ha haha ha McCrory vp ha ha ha ha
OH, you weren’t kidding. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
From your lips to God’s ears!
Please, please, PLEASE, make that happen! Make Trump the GOP nominee and McCrory his running mate! Please?
The GOP will not only lose big, but show itself simply incapable of nominating anybody with the experience, intelligence, sensibilities, and savvy needed to serve as POTUS. In terms of national elections, the GOP would become the GEP (Grand Embarrassment Party).
We would get rid of McCrory and Trump would get an inferior candidate that would only add to the Democrats winning margin. A two-fer.
I like the way you think!
North Carolinians can only wish this is true to get rid of McCrory in our once great state.
Sounds like a win-win all around. McCrory gets his political ambitions fulfilled and his Party nominates Bob Brawley for Guv. Sweet!
Roy Cooper is getting a good chuckle out of this one.