State of extremes

by | Apr 8, 2016 | Editor's Blog, LGBT Rights, NC Politics | 53 comments

Give John Hood credit. He’s always looking for the bright side. While the state is again embarrassing itself and looking increasing like Mississippi rather than the North Carolina that was once the leader in the South, John’s touting North Carolina’s economic growth since 2013. We’re outpacing the nation and the region by a little bit. That’s good news. The price we’re paying, though, is tremendous.

Nobody can argue that North Carolina’s reputation has not taken a hit. Instead of looking like the forward thinking state that led the South in the latter half of the 20th century, we’re moving backward on social issues and our political leaders sound more like the partisans on Facebook than people steering the 9th largest state in the nation. It’s embarrassing.

While Republicans in North Carolina are screaming about naked men in women’s restrooms, South Carolina’s Republican Governor is opposing a bill to restrict transgender people’s bathroom options. She calls the proposal unnecessary. The South Carolina Chamber of Commerce agrees and is actively campaigning against the Republican Senator who introduced the legislation saying, “We’ll be working on electing serious senators next year who will be focused on addressing the state’s infrastructure and workforce needs, and limiting government’s role in our lives.” What a stark contrast. And North Carolina’s Chamber has been silent, a big shift from the days when it was a leader in shaping the state’s national image.

Just three years ago, Esquire columnist Charles Pierce referred to North Carolina as “The Normal One.” That distinction has now flipped. South Carolina is the sane state, while we’ve become a place of extremes.

North Carolina has the most extreme gerrymandering in the nation. Our voter suppression laws are among the strictest in the country. Our teacher pay and per pupil spending dropped more than almost any state. Now, House Bill 2, disguised as a bathroom bill, is one of the most sweeping anti-LGBT laws in the country, preventing local governments from offering protections and denying victims of discrimination the right to sue.

And incidents like firing a highly competent university president for no apparent reason just adds to the shame. But that’s the problem. Our leaders have no shame. They live in a bubble of right-wing talking heads along with Fox News and Breitbart where it’s okay for the leaders of the House and Senate to call their political opponents “the far-left Political Correctness Mob.” They’re taking their lead from Hannity and Limbaugh, not Jefferson and Adams.

John’s right. We should be arguing about economic numbers, not who’s in the bathroom stall next door. With the leadership we’ve got in the state right now, that’s not likely.


  1. Ebrun

    Mike Leonard, You sure know how to turn a phrase. Very articulate!

    • Troy

      Short and to the point. Given your penchant (a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something) for dressing down Disgusted one would think you would appreciate it.

      • Ebrun

        That one did go over my head, Troy, or perhaps it was down in the gutter. Not sure who you think should appreciate what, but I can manage to make my points without resorting to personal insults, obscenities or otherwise descending into the gutter. Hope you can do the same.

        • Troy

          “…one would think you….” “Not sure who you think should appreciate what…” And I’m not sure what part of “you” you failed to grasp.

          Perhaps; you’ve yet to demonstrate it.

          • Ebrun

            Are you just too uninformed to engage in substantive debate, Troy? The personal insults don’t really project an image of a knowledgable partisan.

          • Troy

            I agree completely and yet, here you are.

          • Ebrun

            Ok, I get it. You’re either unwilling or unable to engage in an informed discussion. Since you seem to be more comfortable trading insults, I’ll respond in kind when appropriate.

          • Troy

            You certainly haven’t been shy with the pokes and jabs, “responding in kind.”

            I told you in another thread, I was going to let you set the tone; it didn’t take you long to show your colors.

            And I can certainly hold my intellectually against the likes of you. The reason I haven’t responded is that I’ve yet to hear anything of merit to respond to. So when you find something of substance that someone else wrote that you can bring in here, perhaps we’ll have a discussion.

          • Ebrun

            You’ve set the tone in every discussion we’ve had. I cannot recall you posting any informed or substantive responses to my opinions. And as I told you on the earlier thread, if you want to engage in personal insults, I will respond in kind when appropriate.

            Your resort to personal attacks illustrates while I enjoy posting here. The intolerance of the left for those who do not share their world view is obvious and simply breathtaking.

          • Troy

            Let’s talk about setting tones. I used a metaphoric analogy about how you will take something, twist and interpret it, then spew it back. Nothing I said insulted you or your intellect. I did address your methodology however.

            “I’ve got hand it to you Eb. When you’re given lemons, you try to make lemonade. Despite the fact the lemons are rotten and brown, you just keep stirring and adding sugar.

            Reality is though, it’s still rotten.”

            What I received back, well:

            “Troy, your intellectual acuity is simply overwhelming. Who could challenge such a brilliant analysis? LOL”

            As far as your “views” as you put them. I haven’t seen them, yet. You will try to quantify your condemnation of others and their opinions with statistics. Economics professor I had said once, “There’s three kinds of people in the world; liars, damn liars, and statisticians.” Bottom line is, it’s their OPINION! Informed or not, it’s theirs, just like you have yours.

            By your own admission, you come on here, smear what you try to peddle across the landscape to inflame and incite, and then sit back and gloat over how ‘smart’ you are. The only thing you’ve proven however is what an arrogant ass you are.

          • Ebrun

            I posted a substantive opinion which you chose to criticize with what can only be described as sarcastic wit. Fine, kudos for your dig at my views. I responded in kind to your sarcastic wit with I consider to be sarcastic wit. Apparently, that was not so fine with you.

            You then seemed to endorse a post with obscenity-laden invective aimed at me . It’s been all down hill from there, including your later nasty personal insult.

            I post here to express alternative opinions and debate with those who disagree. In response, some who disagree come across as foolish, intolerant or mean spirited. You fit that mode perfectly. Your continued personal insults say much more about your character than about mine.

          • Troy

            You like facts. Let’s look a few. A “…substantive opinion…” in your eyes. Every ‘substantive opinion’ you put up here draws ire and angst. Of course, that is what you’re looking for. To be fair, I don’t see substantive, I see inflammatory; which is what you’re after. As for my “sarcastic wit”, you voiced your opinion about that in no uncertain terms with an obvious personal assault to my intellect. Show me, in this entire exchange where your intelligence has been assailed by me first? Can’t do it, can you?

            I pointed out that it was short, succinct, to the point. Qualities all you seem to admire. I offered no opinion on the veracity of the statement, nor did I condone the message, if you’d care to re-read what I did say, not your interpretation of it.

            And now, you further your attack on my character. You don’t offer opinions. This would be much simpler if you did; you offer judgment with condemnation.

            Everyone here, myself included, have conceded some point that demonstrates we aren’t perfect. The political views we support aren’t perfect, but we are willing to look for solutions. Not you. You’re right. You will be right. You will prove you’re right. Your views are right, your opinions are right, and the party you support is, of course, right. Wrong. There might be perfect somewhere in this world, you however, ain’t it. But you just can’t concede that you’re less than perfect. That’s sad and a little pathetic.

            If you had a personality and demonstrated it on occasion, while we will still disagree on matters of public policy, the exchanges wouldn’t run straight to the gutter. But that’s not how it’s going to be with you. You’re going to be right regardless of who you insult, or what length you have to go to prove it.

          • Ebrun

            Me thinks you doth protest too much. A wordy defense suggest suggest a double standard. You barbs are sarcastic wit, mine are “personal assaults.” How hypocritical can one be? My post was an attempt to goad you into engaging in a meaningful debate rather than resorting to sarcastic insults. If you can’t take criticism, you shouldn’t dish it out.

            And every opinion I post here “draws ire and angst.” Who frequents this blog, a bunch of 12 year-old shrinking violets? It’s obvious that in the past, this blog has been the almost exclusive purview of liberal activists. It’s creator is a well-know liberal activist and critic of conservative politicians and policies. So now one lone conservative dares to challenge liberal orthodoxy here and that draws your and others of like minds’ ire and angst? What a pitiful complaint.

            And your failure to even suggest that gross obscenities aimed at someone who you doesn’t agree with you is inappropriate hate speech speaks volumes about your intellectual courage. To pretend now that you offered “no opinion” is a disingenuous canard.

            I plan to keep on expressing my views here. You can either join the debate or carp on the sidelines and take cheap shots. But expect a response “in-kind” when you do.

          • Troy

            The atypical Ebrun; confronted with something you simply can’t twist, lie, or distort, you go off on a different angle of attack. You should really take some of your own advice concerning the “dishing it out part”.

            No, I didn’t think it was hate speech. “Hate” is a very strong word, no matter what your political persuasion. I think it was ‘I’ve heard enough of you’ speech. And why should I condemn it? I’m neither judge nor jury here. If you don’t like it, don’t say the things that draw comments like that.

            In that regard, let your conscience be your guide. No one thus far has been able to discuss anything with you in civil discourse. So engaging you in that manner is an utter waste of time.

            Fortunately, I have some time to waste.

          • Ebrun

            You last post is the ultimate in self-serving, disingenuous rationalizations. Nothing else left to say. I hope in the future you’ll join the debate.

          • Ebrun

            I think he got my message, D.g. But thanks anyway. Next time I want a lecture on Shakespeare, I’ll be sure to let you know.

          • Troy

            Yes, I read what you had to say. More toro caca from the squatter conservative.

            For someone who decided this conversation had come to an end, you seem to have found more not to talk about. Like that’s a surprise.

          • Ebrun

            For the time being, Troy, I am putting you on ‘no response necessary’ status. I’ll continue to express my views to this blogosphere, and you are, of course, free to carp from the sidelines. But until I read something more profound from you, I’ll leave you to your convoluted rationalizations.

  2. Rick High

    NC’s reputation was created by both middle of the road Democrats and Republicans long before this current group of Republicans took control. The current NCGOP does not need any help in tarnishing that reputation.

  3. Ebrun

    The Democrat and progressive chorus that begin when the GOP took over state government in 2013 continues to disparage North Carolina’s reputation as the 2016 election approaches. The claim that the state’s reputation has been sullied is nothing other than an outrageous partisan campaign being foisted by out of power Democrats and their liberal sycophants . The only quarters where this egregious assault gains any traction is among the left’s doctrinaire supporters in liberal academia, left wing advocacy groups and the liberal mainstream media.

    The actual situation within the state belies this deceptive, partisan prevarication. Not only is the NC economy outperforming the National and regional averages, but the state’s business climate is ranked among the best in the Nation by several national business publicans. In migration to NC continues to exceed the number of people leaving the state. New start ups by medium and small businesses are creating new jobs, personal income growth and are increasing state tax revenues. Much of the state’s debt has been repaid and a substantial emergency reserve has been established to help weather the next economic downturn. State income tax rates have been cut across the board with positive economic results for both individuals and businesses.

    Unlike South Carolina, NC under the GOP has resisted the temptation to lure big international corporations to locate here by doling out large public subsidies. The strength of the state’s economic growth is enhanced by small businesses and entrepreneurship, rather than the dominance of one or two large, international corporations.

    So the left is flailing at shadows when they deride NC’s economic conditions and social reputation. The state is making good progress despite the out-of-power nay sayers who are seeking to regain control through a nasty, disingenuous public campaign of false assertions and misinformation. The best news is that it’s not working.

    • Jay

      There goes that liberal mainstream media again going around informing people and publishing facts. Republicans hate that.

      • Mike L.

        Her that Mr.Mills, you’re are no longer just a blog, you’re the mainstream media.

    • Troy

      I’ve got hand it to you Eb. When you’re given lemons, you try to make lemonade. Despite the fact the lemons are rotten and brown, you just keep stirring and adding sugar.

      Reality is though, it’s still rotten.

      • Ebrun

        Troy, your intellectual acuity is simply overwhelming. Who could challenge such a brilliant analysis? LOL

        • Troy

          Oh…ouch. Go over your head did it? You really need to quit ducking so much.

          • Ebrun

            You get a 10 for sarcastic wit, but a 0 for any substantive response. I can go either way.

          • Troy

            You seem to be a majority of one in the the opinion of others’ writing department.

            However you want to play it.

          • Ebrun

            You’re right. Insults seem to be your bailiwick, not mine.

          • Troy

            Berate, belittle, insult, then you retreat back into the persona of victim.

          • Ebrun

            Still waiting for some substantive thoughts from you.

          • Troy

            What I said was highly substantive. It summed you up very well.

          • Ebrun

            Your juvenile insults make you sound like a 7th grader. Maybe that explains why you appear to be so uninformed.

          • Troy

            7th grade? Didn’t you mean to say kindergarten? That way, we could be in the same class.

    • Rank and file

      Your opinions, Ebrun, and your arguments are undercut when you resort to cheap tricks like using “Democrat” as an adjective instead of a noun.
      You’re on the wrong side of history, & on the right side are people and institutions as diverse as Bruce Springsteen & Charles Barkley & Facebook & PayPal & Wells Fargo & American Airlines & … What is it now, CEOs of 120 (& counting) major corporations?
      If you still believe that HB2 won’t harm business recruiting … Well, no need to go there.

    • Mike Leonard

      As somebody who had a death in the family today, I have no problem saying GO FUCK YOURSELF you right-wing shithead!

    • Mark

      And, Ebrun, these things you say . . . how are any of them, even if they were true, a reason to discriminate against someone for his or her sexual orientation? How is your post an argument for discrimination? And, can any of these statements of yours really assuage the shame many North Carolinians feel about policies that seek to hurt people simply because they are gay? Are you arguing that such discrimination is a good thing? I don’t think you can really talk your way out of the way much of the rest of the country views these kinds of policies.

      • Ebrun

        Mark, My argument is not for “discrimination,” which is a dishonest attempt to distort my comments. My point is that the out-of power NC Democrats and their liberal allies have undertaken an audacious campaign to smear the state’s reputation under GOP control. This strategy was exposed to the the public through a memo from NC Blue to other liberal advocacy groups shortly after our current Governor was inaugurated.

        Liberal bloggers like Mr. Millls and many of his supporters who comment here are key players in this despicable attempt to undermine the Governor and smear the state’s reputation for the purpose of helping Democrats regain control of the Governorship in 2017.

        • Someone from Main Street

          I had no idea Bruce Springsteen and the PayPal CEO were “out-of-power Democrats!”

          It is the strange delusion of NCGOP to blame the HB2 backlash on “Alinsky” leftists – instead of looking at WHO is really protesting this (huge multi-national businesses that were planning to invest in NC – and are now not going to do so! Major rock star once embraced (unwillingly) by Ronald Reagan!)

          The governor needs NO help from “liberal bloggers” in undermining his reputation. McCrory’s done a fantastic job implementing all sorts of legislation he said he opposed when he was a candidate. The coal ash debacle is a clear sign that he’s owned lock stock and barrel by his old employer. Who wins with NCGOP policies? Not NC residents, who see massive cuts to education, toxic polluters let off with a slap on the wrist and major employers now pledging not to invest in NC.

          • Ebrun

            An aging rock star from New Jersey is trying to bring political pressure on the NC legislature? Good luck with that. Maybe he should enlist the support of Jane Fonda. LOL

    • Someone from Main Street

      Please be aware that Ebrun is expressing the sentiments of the NCGOP base – they’re riled up and ready to vote to uphold bigotry and hatred, thanks to HB2.

      Here’s to hoping that Democrats get out the vote. I know gerrymandering is a problem – we need to get out as many Democratic voters as possible. Staying home means GOP wins – and NC loses.

    • Michaela

      We’re gonna need a bigger shovel…

    • Ebrun

      Kudos to South Carolina and their Republican Governor and legislature. I reported that NC’s economy is growing faster the the REGIONAL AVERAGE. It’s great to learn SC is doing well, too.

    • Ebrun

      Can you tell us, D.g., what city, county or town in SC has passed an LGBT bathroom ordinance similar to the one passed by the Charlotte City Council?

      • observer

        Myrtle Beach

        • Ebrun

          While the Myrtle Beach LGBT ordinance is quite broad, it is NOT similar to the Charlotte bathroom ordinance in that it does not mandate that private businesses can no longer maintain gender specific bathrooms, but must open up their restrooms, locker rooms, changing rooms, etc. to transgender individuals.

          Since there is apparently no local ordinance in SC mandating how private businesses operate their restroom facilities, Gov. Haley thinks there is no need for a state law. But she hasn’t vetoed any LGBT bill yet as it was just recently introduced.

          BTW way D.g, it quite easy to Google your misinformation and find out the real facts. You should verify your claims before posting erroneous info.

      • Observer

        Myrtle Beach’s ordinance is close enough; the distinction you raise wouldn’t have prevented these legislators from passing HB2.
        This is transparent election-year pandering to fear to gin up the base.
        The world is changing, Ebrun. Deal with it.

        • Ebrun

          Those are dubious claims. The Myrtle Beach ordinance refers to public facilities, although it does not specify bathrooms. The Charlotte ordinance applied to both public and PRIVATELY-owned and operated restrooms. That makes a big difference, especially to business owners.

          The analysis I’ve seen speculated that if the Charlotte ordinance had applied only to city operated facilities, there would have been no pressure for a special session. The fact that private owners had to comply with the ordinance by April 1 necessitated the need for quick legislative action.

    • Ebrun

      Your being redundant again, D.g.

      • Ebrun

        Uh huh, whatever you say, D.g. I am sure it was just some computer glitch, right?

  4. Norma Munn

    And tell me again, why should anyone now want to move in NC? Especially if they have public school or college age children. Or if they are older and have medical bills that are no longer deductible on their state income tax filings. If there are any rational GOP folks left, they best start coming out of the woodwork and re-capture their party.

  5. Jay

    Before we begin to pat ourselves on the back for producing economic miracles, we should remember that the state ranks 39th in median per capita income. While the North Carolina economy is expanding and personal income growth is increasing at an encouraging rate, the state’s numbers were quite low before the expansion began. North Carolina’s traditional industries (Tobacco, Textiles and Furniture) have suffered greatly which makes the news that growth in personal income figures welcome. While we are not getting worse compared to other states at the bottom of the pile, North Carolinians earn only about 63 cents to every dollar earned by people living in the highest-paying states. The fourth pillar of our economy (tourism) has begun to suffer from four years of bad news coming from a radical right wing legislature.

    The GOP has explained throwing away thousands of teaching jobs by saying that the private sector will make up the difference. The GOP should be reminded that there are other states which have even lower median incomes so North Carolina will not win the race to the bottom.

    What made North Carolina special was attention to public education. We are now destroying the public education system. A nasty form of religious fundamentalism has gained national attention, and the failure to expand Medicaid to 500,000 poor people is gratuitously cruel. North Carolina may have current figures showing growth in personal income, but economic figures are fluid.

    • Apply Liberally

      And NC’s unemployment rate is higher than the national average, and higher than other southern states like VA, GA, MD, AR, TN, FL, and TX,

  6. JC Honeycutt

    Amen, Brother Mills! Unfortunately, the choir is too busy thinking about their next right-wing anthem to notice: but many of those in the congregation who haven’t already left the building are with you.

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