Standing by their man

by | Aug 29, 2017 | Editor's Blog, National Politics, Politics | 4 comments

Republicans are like a battered spouse who refuses to leave the relationship. Donald Trump has insulted, humiliated and bashed them, but Republicans are sticking by their man. They’re sure that either he will change or they will change him. He won’t but they’re too scared or brainwashed to leave.

According to recent polls, Trump still enjoys 75% or more support from Republicans. Nothing he does seems to make them leave. In just the past month, he’s pardoned a man who brags about violating people’s rights, called white supremacists “fine people,” attacked GOP leaders like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan and threatened to pull out of free-trade agreements.

On matters of foreign policy, he’s lost the respect of our western allies while coddling the Russian dictator. He used twitter to make idle threats against North Korea, exposing his lack of a plan to deal with the Hermit Kingdom. European and Asian leaders don’t take him seriously but to Republicans, he’s still the man.

Trump’s throwing traditional conservative principles under the bus. He’s still threatening to pull out of NAFTA, ending years of GOP support for free market trade policies. He prefers Putin’s authoritarianism to western Europe’s liberal democracy. He’s as responsible as anyone for the failure to repeal Obamacare and, so far, hasn’t delivered on any significant policy proposals.

Still, the GOP sticks with him. At a fundraising dinner in South Carolina this week, the Republican US Senator from Iowa,  Joni Ernst, proclaimed, “Thank God for Donald J. Trump!” Who knows what she’s thanking him for.

Trump’s supporters are willing to overlook his past and his failures. He was a Democrat for much longer than he’s been a Republican. He was pro-choice much longer than he’s been pro-life. He’s been married three times and bragged about cheating on his wives.

But all of that is okay with Republicans. They’re sure that he’ll change. If they just love him enough, they can get him to treat them better. It’s all a dangerous lie. This dysfunctional relationship will not end well for the GOP–or the country.


  1. Morris

    If the economy continues to expand at a higher rate, like the most recent quarter, then Republicans won’t be the only ones still standing with him. Mainstream Republicans aren’t who elected him. Yes many voted for him over Clinton – no surprise. But the middle class voters in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and our own North Carolina are the ones who elected him. If the economy sustains growth in the 3% range for several quarters, something that hasn’t happened in more than a decade, they’ll climb right back on his bus – if they ever really got off it.
    I’m not even trying to imply he is responsible for the improving economic numbers recently reported, but as president, he’ll get the credit. IF tax reform gets done, then economic growth at 3%+ will be almost assured. Not saying it will, but if it does, Trump will get the credit.
    Remember the slogan, “its the economy, stupid”? Still holds true today.

  2. MyTurnNC

    The opening paragraph in this article says it all! Great writing. Made me laugh and cry at the same time.

  3. Jay Ligon

    Donald claimed that he could stand on Fifth Avenue
    and shoot people without losing any votes. Think about that: a candidate for president contemplates the random murder of innocent people in New York City, boasts that his supporters will not mind and suggests that the law against murder would not apply to him. The law that applies to mere mortals can’t touch him as if he is the M. C. Hammer of politics. Murder of innocent people does not bother his supporters.

    He mocks the sacrifice of parents of a dead war hero and the service of a living war hero. No problem for his supporters.

    He assaults women because he is a star and stars are entitled to grab whatever they want from women. Rape? Sexual assault? No problem for his supporters.

    He disparages the president of the United States and has nothing but praise for a Russian who, as Trump might like to do, murders journalists, kills his opposition and bombs women and children in Syria. The dictator plays Trump like a fiddle and has him doing his bidding. Anti-American rhetoric and praise of the worst monsters on the planet? No problem.

    Russians cyber attack the United States, a number of our allies, and invade and take over a portion of another country in violation of international law. What’s wrong with that?

    He reveals classified information and invites Russian spies into the Oval Office.

    He fires the FBI director to halt an investigation into his business connections with Russia and to cover up his misconduct and his dealing with criminal organizations in the former Eastern bloc. No problem.

    He fails to divest himself of business interests which violate contractual obligations and the emoluments clause, creating irremediable conflicts of interest. He uses his office to consummate pending business deals with foreign countries and foreign associates. His mind remains on his money, and as he fails to look after the national interest and national security. Nothing to see here.

    His promises to provide his income taxes then doesn’t. Why should he?

    He appears in pornographic films. Soft porn of his wife shows up during the campaign. The nation has never seen a naked First Lady or a First Lady who posed for porn. He allows men to refer to his daughter as a “great piece of ass.” Hey, he’s Donald.

    The media reveals episode after episode of connections to organized crime both in New York City and in the former Eastern block. What’s wrong with that?

    The Washington Post tally of his lies while in office passed the 1,000 mark last week. He lies in print, on television, when he’s twittering, when he eating breakfast, even when he sleeps. He lies at 3 a.m.; he lies when the staff comes in; he lies to his spouse; he lies to the church mouse; he lies are problematic; he’s never diplomatic; his lies are undemocratic.

    He never stops lying He lies when the video tape is immediately available. He lies when the truth would not harm him and might do him some good.

    But his supporters don’t mind.

    This is no lie. He robbed people who invested in the fraudulent Trump University and some of them did not sue him when others did. They knew they were robbed. But they were afraid to sue. Then they VOTED for him. They still VOTED for the guy who robbed them.

    He sides with Nazis. No problem.
    He sides with racists. Cool.
    He sides with Putin. Thumbs up.
    He steals from his customers. We’re with you!
    He sues everybody and lies under oath. Love ya, Boss!
    He runs up the government tab and busts the Secret Service budget. The man has his needs.
    He spends a quarter of his time on the golf course. Let the man take a break.
    He beat the crap out of his wife and raped her. Not a deal killer.
    He alienates our allies. Who needs them?

    There’s more, but it’s time to think about someone other than Donald.

    L. Ron Hubbard would be jealous of Trump’s ability to beguile his followers. He can do no wrong, and, so far, he’s done nothing right. They aren’t supporters. They’re stalkers.

    • Norma Munn

      All true. It also explains why I cannot find common ground with some around me, and why I am no longer sure that I want to. If Trump were a teenager, we would seriously consider institutionalizing him.

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