The Main Street Democrats know that North Carolinians largely share the same experiences, concerns and desires, regardless of their party affiliation. The people of North Carolina want to take their kids to a school that has well-qualified teachers, dedicated assistants, and adequate textbooks and supplies. They want the opportunity to earn an honest living without worrying that their job might pick up and move to South Carolina. They want an affordable place to live and raise their family. They want to drive to the grocery store or baseball practice on roads that are safe and well maintained.
These are North Carolina values. These are the issues North Carolinians expect us to address in Raleigh. Our legislature needs to show us that they are still a body that cares about North Carolina priorities. It is a sad day when South Carolina and Georgia understand our values better than we do.
Our neighbors to the South have been busy building a successful formula recruiting new businesses and industry. They have been investing in their community college system and have been aggressive when it comes to economic development incentives and new business recruitment. Sadly, other states have been winning the recruitment game. They keep getting the companies that should be coming to North Carolina
Instead, we are seven months into our legislative session without a workable budget. Negotiations and delays drag on with no end in sight, while school administrators face uncertainty in their planning for a school year only weeks from starting. Over 8,000 teacher assistants are unsure whether they even have a job. This is not just bad policy; it’s irresponsible governance.
As your leaders, we owe it to you to pass this budget in a timely manner, with proper investments in our future. This means classrooms that are properly equipped for success with teachers, textbooks, and supplies. It means passing economic job incentive legislation, to help our local businesses create critically needed jobs. We must invest in our community colleges, ensure that our bridges and roads are safe, and extend high-speed internet into our rural communities. These are critical investments that North Carolina must commit to make if its members expect to not only retain our existing businesses and employers, but attract new investments as well.
Indeed, these are the views of the Main Street Democrats. But a strong education system, safe roads and adequate internet access, and educational and economic opportunity aren’t just issues that are important to Democrats. They are issues that are important to North Carolinians across the political spectrum. They are North Carolina’s issues and they deserve a bipartisan approach by leaders who are willing to work together.
“The Main Street Democrats know that North Carolinians largely share the same experiences, concerns and desires, regardless of their party affiliation. The people of North Carolina want to take their kids to a school that has well-qualified teachers, dedicated assistants, and adequate textbooks and supplies.”
Says the guy who attended private school (Carolina Day) and drives his daughter in a Tesla to attend her private school.