Birthers spent the first six years of Obama’s term claiming that he was ineligible to serve as president of the United States because he was born in Kenya, which he wasn’t. Now, Ted Cruz is having his eligibility questioned. In contrast to Obama, who actually was born in the United States, Cruz was born in a foreign country, Canada. Cruz and his supporters assert that he’s eligible to serve because his mother was a US citizen.
Well, if that’s all it takes, then it just adds more absurdity to the whole Obama birther conspiracy theory. Nobody questioned whether or not Obama’s mother was a US citizen. They just claimed he was born in Kenya. And since he inherited his mother’s citizenship, he was clearly eligible to serve regardless of where he was born.
On the other hand, if, as the Obama birthers claimed, anyone born outside of the country is not native born, then obviously Cruz is ineligible. But Cruz may have bigger problems. His mother is listed on Canadian voter rolls in the early 1970s. If she was a registered voter, she would have been a Canadian citizen, not an American one, and that would almost certainly disqualify him from serving as president.
The GOP establishment may be hoping that the birther controversy will bring down Cruz. They’ve become resigned to the fact that Trump and Cruz are clear frontrunners for the GOP nomination and, as GOP strategist and native North Carolinian Alex Castallanos says, either man would likely cost the GOP the White House.
If Cruz fades due to the birther debacle, another anti-Trump might emerge who is more to the establishment’s liking. Marco Rubio seems poised to make that move. However, if Cruz survives and the race comes down to a Cruz-Trump contest, grab an extra bag of popcorn and Democrats should start getting ready for another inaugural ball.
What about Cruz’s dad. A lot of draft dodgers went to Canada in the 60’s and 70’s to avoid getting drafted into the Vietnam war.
Ted Cruz’s dad was born in Cuba, FYI. He didn’t become an American citizen until long after little Teddy’s birth. They resided in Canada for the first few years of Ted’s life.
It’s too bad that Schwarzenegger doesn’t have an American-born parent. For all his shortcomings while serving as the Governator, he’s at least not crazy or evil, and he’s not a Talivangelical who wants to institute biblical sharia.
There’s no Republican running for president who is neither corrupt, a racist, a Talivangelical fundamentalist nor completely incompetent, unfortunately. The only one who seems even remotely sane is Christie. Christie is a corrupt @$$#0£€ , but he at least isn’t a serious danger to self & others quite on the level of the rest of the inmates in the Republican presidential candidate asylum. I obviously don’t want any of the above to become president, but we all have a vested interest in the least awful of their lot becoming the nominee, in the off chance that the Republican wins. Right now, they are all off the rails on the crazy train. It’s truly frightening.
Dear God please give us a Democratic landslide this year!
God better come out of hiding this year or we are toast!
No press conferences, no lawsuits? Orly Taitz’s and Joe Arapaio’s rhetoric must be getting drowned out by the loud crickets.
I am really uncertain that Trump could not win in this country and climate now. Cruz,no.
It’s OK if you are a Republican.
Republican hypocrisy at its most brazen.
It seems that dislike for Cruz in his party is not just based on the nutzoid things he has tried to foist on the nation legislatively. From all I read, it’s more a case of his vile, two-faced, untrustworthy personality and the glee with which he is willing to throw red meat at the extremists in his party that has spurred his GOP congressional and Republican establishment colleagues to line up against him—Paul Ryan’s and Reince Priebus’s promise to support any GOP candidate notwithstanding. Comments made about Cruz by several folks who know him well and who have tried to work with him seem to focus on his shortcomings as a genuine human being.
As I was saying about Cruz….
And all this time, I thought Cruz was born on Mars.