Results: Readers Want Ross

by | Jul 9, 2015 | 2016 Elections, Carolina Strategic Analysis, Features, NC Politics, US Senate | 7 comments

If our readers are any indication, Democrats want outgoing UNC System President Tom Ross as their U.S. Senate candidate in 2016. At least that’s the case for a plurality of those who participated in our latest reader survey. We quizzed Democratic readers on who they wanted to nominate to go up against Richard Burr. Tom Ross was the clear winner, receiving about a third of the vote. Here are the results:

1. Tom Ross – 31%

2. Dan Blue – 16%
3. Cal Cunningham – 14%
4. Brad Miller – 10%
5. None of these candidates – 9%
6. Grier Martin – 8%
7. Heath Shuler – 6%
8. Mike McIntyre – 5%
9. Larry Hall – 1%
10. Allen Joines – 1%
11. Allen Thomas – 1%

Now, this poll is not a random sample and respondents are probably a little more liberal and a lot more knowledgeable than the average NC Democrat. But I can imagine why they like Tom Ross, and why a lot of Democrats might like him too: he has name recognition, a background in education, and his dismissal by the Republican-dominated UNC Board of Governors gives him instant credibility with the Democratic base. They see him as someone martyred for his commitment to the UNC system.

The “Ross for Senate” idea actually got its origins in a post on this blog, written by Thomas Mills. The bad news for the Rossites? So far, he’s said nothing about a potential Senate campaign. If he’s planning to run, he would have to get started very soon.

The clock is ticking. Democrats still haven’t found a candidate to oppose Richard Burr. But if this poll reflects reality, progressives would be very receptive to a Tom Ross run.


  1. Maurice Murray III

    Democrats have their candidate for US Senate, a talented speaker with an inspiring story, proven ability to organize and mobilize supporters, and strong name recognition.

    Burr is unknown and will be defined by the circus clown car driven by Donald Trump and Big Brother Bush.

  2. Tom Hill

    Ross is an intelligent, distinguished-looking guy. If he can speak on the same level as his appearance, he will have a good chance. He suffers from what most of our candidates suffer from — lack of exposure to the general public. In order to cure that, the national and state party must sponsor him on a speaking tour to more than a handful of the party faithful. Raising some controversial issues would help also. The goal would be to have him on the news on a regular basis calling out Burr and tying him to the extreme right-wing, which Burr tries to keep at a distance while relying on their votes. The time is now to start the ball rolling.

  3. davidalanjohnson

    No thank you. Erskine Bowles is a quasi-Democrat.

    • Randy Wagner

      Maybe so, but who outside of us who have been following the UNC board of governors debacle is intimately familiar with Tom Ross. I personaly feel Ross would make a good senator but recent history has shown a winning candidate will have to garnish votes from both party affiliates.

    • Cosmic janitor

      Redline Bowles is a right-wing democrat, meaning he ‘s a republikan in sheep’s clothing

      • Cosmic janitor

        Erskine Bowles that is

  4. Randy Wagner

    Has Erskine Bowles been approached?

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