PoliticsNC stands with Israel, unequivocally. Hamas terrorists killed hundreds of Israeli civilians including more than 250 people at a music festival. They went door-to-door killing and kidnapping Israeli families, including children and elderly people.
There’s no place for “but Israel….” There’s only room for sympathy, support, and sorrow, both for what has occurred already and what will happen in days to come. The blame is with the terrorists and their state sponsors.
The reasons for this attack could be framed in terms of religious differences between the State of Israel and Hamas, but these have existed for years. The real question is why the attack was initially successful. Why did Israel’s intelligence agencies not see this coming? How did Hamas know where to focus their attack?
Several experts among them, Retied Admiral James Stavridis suggest the turmoil in Israel played a significant role. Conservative Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been seeking to curtail the authority of Israel’s Supreme Court in the wake of probes into corruption allegations against him, sparking mass protests. In addition, he and his followers degrade and belittle Israel’s intelligence and Police agencies calling them the “deep state.”
Something we are currently seeing in the United States. Republican Senator Thomas Tuberville, unreasonably blocking military promotions, Representative Mat. Gaetz and his marry little band of freedom fighters attempting to shut down the Federal Government for no logical reason. Trump attacking judges, prosecutors and folks who unfortunately are picked to serve on grand juries. Lying about Biden administration handling of the frozen oil funds being a source of funds for Hamas when none of the funds have been disbursed as they are held in trust only to be used for medical and humanitarian purposes. These foolish acts divide and make the country weaker and torn apart.
Israel will win this battle, but a lot of folks will die and suffer permanent injuries. Families will be torn apart and the lives of many will be turned upside down.