PODCAST | Mike Morgan’s Supreme Competition

by | Aug 17, 2016 | 2016 Elections, Campaigns, Democrats, North Carolina, PODCAST, Politics, The North Carolinian | 1 comment

James Kotecki + Mike Morgan

North Carolina’s Supreme Court races are technically non-partisan, but nobody’s fooling anybody: the current court is divided 4-3 in favor of Republicans.

Judge Mike Morgan is running against one of the incumbent Republicans and could flip the Supreme Court’s balance of power. If you care about things like HB2, taxes, housing, the environment, crime, and our system of government itself, you should really care who sits on the bench.

Morgan also has a powerful personal story. In 1964, he was the first black student at his all-white elementary school.

To listen, just click play in the box below. You can also find this and previous episodes on iTunes, StitcherTuneIn, and Google Play.

1 Comment

  1. Yojji

    Thank you – this was really helpful! I always find that the “non-partisan” judicial candidates are some of the most difficult to find information about when I’m preparing to vote.

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