PODCAST | Jen Ferrell: A Moral Monday Mom Runs for Office

by | Oct 19, 2016 | 2016 Elections, Campaigns, Education, HB2, Moral Monday, NC House Races, NC Politics, North Carolina, PODCAST, Politics, The North Carolinian

Jen Ferrell and James Kotecki

When you think about the kind of candidates that get state Democrats excited this year, you might not think of a woman who once received unemployment benefits, was once arrested, and was once a Republican.

But that’s Jen Ferrell, the now-Democratic challenger of a long-serving Republican member of the state House. Democrats hope she can flip that seat and help end the GOP supermajority.

To listen, just click play in the box below. You can also find this and previous episodes on iTunes, StitcherTuneIn, and Google Play.


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