Playing games with democracy

by | Jun 3, 2014 | Campaign Finance, Editor's Blog, National Politics, US Senate

Let me state clearly that I think the amount of money spent in political campaigns and the ability to spend it without any transparency is bad for our democracy and gives too much power to narrow interests. However, let me also say clearly that the Udall Amendment, a proposed constitutional amendment that would supposedly limit the influence of money in politics, is bullshit. It’s playing games with a serious issue in order to rally the base in an election year. It’s cynical and counter productive. 

Nobody believes that the Amendment has any chance of passing. Regardless, Harry Reid is holding hearings on it right now. It’s all a sideshow to appeal to a section of the Democratic base and to portray Reid and company as the white hats with a simplistic answer to a complicated problem.

The Amendment wouldn’t really address impact of money in politics. Instead, it would give Congress and state legislatures the ability to “regulate the raising and spending of money and in kind equivalents.” In essence, the measure gives elected officials more power to regulate themselves. Like that’s a good idea. Can’t you just see the fluctuating campaign finance laws that would change every time the composition of Congress or a state legislature did? 

We have serious problems facing this country and we have serious problems with our democracy and electoral system. We need our leaders to have real discussions and look for real solutions. Playing political games hurts credibility and breeds the distrust that’s led to the current gridlock. 

If you wonder why people have such a low approval rating of Congress, look no further than the hearings on the Udall Amendment. 


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