Now we know why the sharks came. They weren’t driven to North Carolina by warm water currents or the delicious sight of fun-noodling tourists. No, our toothy friends smelled blood on Blount Street, and, like Democrats, they wanted in.
July’s finance report was devastating. As has been widely reported, Roy Cooper outraised McCrory by a 61% margin. Pat isn’t just sitting governor, he has been more obsequious toward the demands of business than any executive in memory. He should be vacuuming up donations from his so-called “customers.” That he was outraised, then, should have his team’s collective hand placed firmly on the panic button.
It isn’t just about resources. Donors open their pocketbooks to demonstrate support and curry favor. McCrory’s fundraising decline thus suggests a big fall in establishment credibility. A lot of rich, powerful people either don’t expect him to remain in the governor’s mansion or don’t even want him there. Especially given his plutocratic record, this is an ominous symbol.
The voters have damned him, too, a fate unlikely to be reversed. His numbers are in the cellar. If the legislature receded from view, the polls might tick upward. Unfortunately for Pat, his enemies on Jones Street plan to stick around well into autumn, maybe later. By the time they go home, the attack ads will already be running. McCrory may proceed straight into election season with no recovery time.
I won’t return to the shark metaphor. Suffice to say that McCrory’s political career is flailing. For Republicans, it must be an unsettling sight.
McCrory put his foot in his mouth when he commented on the SCV plates. He should have left it alone cause it was a can of worms that turned into vipers…
“For Republicans, it must be an unsettling sight.”
Doubtful. When you check the internals on those polls, check the responses of those who identify as Republican. McCrory isn’t all that smart if he thinks he could ignore his own Party and NOT end up in the polls where he is. They look at him as addition by subtraction.
One benefit of a Roy Cooper win would be the State Board of Elections would go back to being under Democratic control….that should mean a return to plenty of college campus and minority neighborhood voting sites….
Please just don’t take anything for granted. Tillis was supposed to lose the senate race until he won it. Hoping Democrats get out the vote this time!!!!
You can get out the vote all you want, as long as republikan affiliates own the electronic voting machines, republikan candidates like Tillis will continue winning improbable elections . I would love to see a hand count of last elections senate race; I ‘ll wager Hagan won it by the exact margin attributed to Tillis – easiest thing to do in the world, rig electronic voting machines; otherwise the republikans would be propping McCrory up right now
Nortley, Very good point. McCrory truly is “irrelevant”. The GOP GA gets that and hopefully a majority of the citizens do as well. A few seats turnover in the GA and a new Governor with at least start to stem the tide of this ongoing fiasco.
Isn’t the real question, who would all these folks unhappy with McCrory, like on the GOP line? Or do they believe that holding the legislature is sufficient? If DC is any example, they could be right.
And they probably are. As long as they have a veto proof majority it really doesn’t matter who is governor, which is why Repugs in the legislature have called McCrory “irrelevant.”
Couldn’t happen a more deserving guy. He is a clueless disaster.