What is it about Pat McCrory’s cabinet members who seem to think that they have part-time jobs? First, Kieran Shanahan decided that he could continue to work in his law practice while he served as Secretary of Public Safety. That didn’t work out so well and he was gone from his position in just six months.
Now, Secretary of Transportation Tony Tata is on a book tour to promote his new novel. As a writer, I’m impressed that Tata can pump out books that sell. But why did he release one at the same time the legislature began its long session and during the months that North Carolina is most likely to see weather-related transportation woes? And why in the world would Pat McCrory approve Tata leaving the state for business at this time of year?
The trend reflects the GOP’s attitudes toward government workers. McCrory and the Republicans don’t really take the public sector seriously. Throughout the recession they’ve insisted that only private sector jobs matter. But that’s not true for either employees who are performing the work or the people who benefit from it. These last two weeks have illustrated just how important the public sector is to our quality of life. Anyone with school aged kids is more than ready to see teachers and school administrators get back to work. Anyone who is driving on roads today can thank people living off the government teat.
The importance of government jobs is an ideological debate, though. McCrory and Tata have shown poor judgment. Tata should have waited to release his book either in the fall or, even more appropriately, after he finished his stint at DOT. Maybe the snow caught us by surprise earlier this week but, at a time when the state needed Tata’s full attention, his priorities appeared to lie elsewhere.
McCrory should put a hiatus on his management team moonlighting. It’s one thing to have hobbies; it’s another to have second jobs that detract from obligations and commitments.
Thomas, I appreciate your bringing this news along. I have yet to receive a copy of the plan generated from the Aviation Task Force. I applied for a seat, but discovered that McCrory really only announced the formation of the Task Force with no intention of considering other than traditional insiders. One of the promises of Democracy was that any citizen could at least make their judgements known.
I totally agree! No state employee should moonlight!
Cops supporting families with $32,000/year starting salary? How dare they!
Teachers who really only work about half the year anyway? No! You sit at home during the summer! You just sit!
Professors and college administrators who publish research papers? That’s fine, but every dime from those papers better go right back to the school! (Actually, I’m pretty sure all administrators in the UNC System make over six figures, so I’m not really even being sarcastic here!)
You can make far, far more money in the private sector, but don’t because you believe in what you’re doing. Well… Screw you! No! No money but your salary!
Come on people. You’ve got a good point about the head of NCDOT being out of state right now. But realistically, it’s a little bit of snow. Most Americans get this every winter, it’s not a big deal. There are places where this kind of weather is the norm in April.
I agree with the idea that he shouldn’t be popping around the country selling his book while he’s in office, if for no other reason that it’s in bad taste and makes the whole administration look bad (and causes articles like this one to be written). But I don’t know if I’d chalk it up as ‘not taking their public sector jobs seriously.’
Deep breaths everyone. It’s gonna be okay.
Mortal, Rogue, Sudden, Hidden – Tata offers a Threat Down Colbert would be hard pressed to surpass. I wonder when he will write the one about the Democratic comeback after the Wake county voters rejected the neighborhood schools proposal that went too far – Liberal Threat.
“Maybe the snow caught us by surprise earlier this week but, at a time when the state needed Tata’s full attention, his priorities appeared to lie elsewhere.”
Snow should not catch us by surprise in February. No excuses.
I believe it should be illegal and anyone who does his should be charged with theft of state funds.
They have an Appointed or Elected position with the State of North Carolina and they are receiving a full time Salary. Therefore; for them to only work part time is Stealing.