Well, a bizarre incident in a very competitive House race has (sort of) come to an end. The State Ethics Commission has podcast.

The problem? Turner had no evidence. None. The Ethics Commission had nothing to go on but Turner’s word, and that just wasn’t enough. Of course, maybe Moffitt really did do all those things Turner alleges. Who knows? But you can’t pursue a claim without evidence. Too bad Turner didn’t have a recorder on him, or a witness who could validate some of the things he said. Without them, the Commission had no choice but to clear Moffitt. They dismissed the case Turner brought, saying there was no probable cause to investigate.

Now, Turner is the one in trouble. Voters might come to suspect that he made the whole thing up for political advantage, as Moffitt has maintained all along. Turner is a liar, the story becomes. The bottom line: if you’re going to pursue a claim against someone while running for office, make sure it has some merit, or it’s going to wind up backfiring.

For more on frivolous cases, read this article. I’ll give Turner credit for one thing: at least he filed his complaint before the election.


  1. larry

    Moffit is clearly thug in a suit and obviously a coward since he cannot speak to the issues facing teachers alone when he has to bring in help from outside of his district. No one bought what he and his pals were selling. So John you or Moffit have nothing to celebrate.

  2. Nick

    Moffit is a sleazy politician. Not so much cleared as lucky he wasn’t caught.

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