McCrory: The Rodney Dangerfield of governors

by | Jun 5, 2013 | Editor's Blog, NC Politics, NCGA, NCGov, Politics

Instead of rejecting civil disobedience as “unacceptable,” maybe Pat McCrory should join the protests. The protesters object to having their concerns and grievances routinely ignored by the GOP majority in the legislature. But, hey, they’re just treating the general public like they treat the governor.

McCrory’s first term in office should be a time when he uses the political capital gained from being elected the first Republican governor of North Carolina in 20 years. Instead, he’s treated like a pesky little brother by GOP leaders in the legislature. They routinely ignore his agenda and even belittle him.

When McCrory told the legislature to slow down on rejecting the federally subsidized Medicaid expansion that would provide health care to 500,000 needy North Carolinians, Phil Berger didn’t even respond. He just passed a bill that would reject the federal money and McCrory signed the legislation like a good lap dog. When the good governor unveiled what looked to be an attempt at a signature program that would privatize Medicaid, Berger and Speaker Thom Tillis essentially gutted the move. And last week, Senator Bob Rucho implied McCrory does not have “real business experience” even though McCrory ran on his 30 years working at Duke Power. Ouch.

Pat McCrory is truly the Rodney Dangerfield of governors. So instead of criticizing the Moral Monday protesters, Pat McCrory should join them. His ideas and proposals would certainly get more attention than they’ve gotten so far.


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