Lost causes

by | Apr 27, 2015 | Editor's Blog, NC Politics, NCGov | 2 comments

The legislature and Pat McCrory might be dumping the religious freedom bill but Lt. Governor Dan Forest isn’t. He’s taking up the lost cause and launching a lobby day out of his office tomorrow. Forest is working hard to become the champion of the social conservatives that McCrory is abandoning.

According to a page on the NC Values Coalition’s website, activists are meeting at Forest’s office for coffee and Krispy Kreme before heading over to Halifax Mall for a “day of action.” Since it’s held at the Lt. Governor’s office, which is owned by the state, I assume the event is open to the public and the press. So could Planned Parenthood or EqualityNC also book the Lt. Governor’s office to launch their lobby days?

I also wonder if Forest is sending a message to the governor. McCrory quite clearly said he wants nothing to do with the religious freedom bill. It’s scaring off companies and could be hurting his re-election chances. Forest is letting the religious right know that he’s standing with them regardless of what McCrory and the legislature are doing.

Forest, though, is the Democrats’ dream candidate. He’s a guy increasingly out of the mainstream and getting left behind by the broader public, particularly moderate independent voters. While he would have a hard time getting elected at the top the ticket in a statewide race in a general election, he might be able to motivate fired up social conservatives to support him in a primary.

Forest is watching closely to see what happens to the Governor. In the event that McCrory gets in trouble, Forest is making sure he’s got a base to support him. For the time being, though, he’s not making any real moves. He’s just using public space to support lost causes.


  1. Governor McCheese

    Ick, I can’t stand Forest. He’s such a frat thug. You can tell he’s a child of privilege….and Charlotte privilege at that….

    • Brad

      Worked with him when he was with local architectural firm. The most vacant phony I have ever met. Oh, wait Chad Barefoot is the most phony but smart enough to be devious and dangerous.

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