Jeff Jackson wins twitter #JustOneLegislator

by | Feb 18, 2015 | Editor's Blog, NC Politics | 2 comments

State Senator Jeff Jackson (D-Meck.) won twitter yesterday. Jackson showed up at the General Assembly yesterday while the rest of the state stayed home to avoid icy roads. The first term Senator then set about fixing state government as he saw fit.

Using the hashtag #JustOneLegislator, Jackson posted a series of tweets throughout the day having debates with himself and even filibusters while passing a progressive agenda. One hilarious tweet read, “I just defeated a filibuster because I needed a drink of water. That removes any opposition to new child care subsidies.” Jackson’s tweets caught the attention of political observers across the internet and the website Buzzfeed even picked it up.

Jackson has emerged as North Carolina Democrats’ fastest rising star. Last year, he caught the attention of the nation when his floor speech on the budget went viral. He not only knows how to frame a message, he knows how to deliver it using the modern means of communication. He’s shown both smarts and political savvy.

Other aspiring politicians should take note. Jackson understands that the internet is as much entertainment as news source. Yesterday, he used humor to outline his and the Democrats’ prescription for a more progressive state and people took notice.

So, for all of you politicians posting pearls of wisdom instead interesting information, just stop. You sound more like “Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy” than somebody to be taken seriously. Twitter is a combination conversation, snark fest and clipping service. Understand it or stay off of it. And pay attention to Senator Jeff Jackson.


  1. Vicki Boyer

    We can win, but only with a new generation of leadership–new in approach as well as age.

  2. Brad

    This is what we need! Love this guy. We got to have this kind of smarts, commitment and energy to bring the Democrats back. Bravo!

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