Hey, Trumpsters, you’ve been had

by | Dec 4, 2017 | Editor's Blog, Tax Reform, Trump | 18 comments

Dear Trumpsters and Tea Partiers,

You’ve been had. The tax reform bill that’s about to pass Congress blows at least a $1 trillion hole in the budget while giving the richest Americans a huge tax cut. Republicans will claim that the middle class benefits, but that’s not true. They may get crumbs but the rich get a windfall.

Don’t believe me? Check out one of the tax calculators floating around the internet. If you make $85,000 you’ll get an average $850 a year, or about $71 per month, while the richest one percent will get more in tax breaks than you make in the entire year. Look at it another way, in 10 years, you’ll get $8,500 back while the multi-millionaires will get $850,000. And then, according to the plan, your taxes will go up because the tax cuts for people expire in 2027 while the tax cuts for corporations stay permanent.

As for that hole in the deficit, don’t worry. The GOP’s got it covered. They’re planning to cut Social Security and Medicare. That’s right. They’re going to pay for this tax cut by taking money from old people, sick people and poor people.

To make sure that the tax code is fair, they’re about to end the estate tax. That tax only affects individuals making more than $5.5 million or more per year or couples making $11 million or more. I’m sure that’s in your range. As Republican Senator Chuck Grassley says, it rewards “the people that are investing — as opposed to those that are just spending every darn penny they have, whether it’s on booze or women or movies.” That, in a nutshell, is what the GOP thinks of you.

I know you won’t believe it. You’ll listen to the Fox News hosts who blow smoke up your ass telling you that it’s a huge tax cut for the middle class. You’ll cheer the Republicans as they take your Social Security and Medicare to pay for a wall to keep out immigrants who are primarily arriving in airports. And when your paycheck doesn’t go as far because your premiums are up but your wages aren’t, you’ll blame Muslims or Mexicans or whatever scapegoat Fox says is at fault—anybody but the Republicans who control all branches of the federal government.

And you’ll buy these tax cuts because Donald Trump told you we’re the highest taxed nation on earth, even though we’re not even close. As the GOP begins to dismantle the social safety net, you’ll cheer Orin Hatch when he says, “I have a rough time wanting to spend billions and billions and trillions of dollars to help people who won’t help themselves – won’t lift a finger – and expect the federal government to do everything.” You’ll never figure out that he’s talking about you or people you know and love.

Fortunately, you are in the minority. People across the country are realizing that Donald Trump is a conman and the GOP tax plan is going to help the rich, not the rest of us. Even people who supported Trump out of frustration are turning on him. And they’re realizing that the GOP is not on their side. Party leaders like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan will turn a blind eye to a child predator to secure more money for big corporations and the wealthiest among us.

The 2018 election cycle is about to start. You can stick to your guns and keep supporting the people who see you as rubes or you can see the light and stick up for yourselves. We would welcome you to the fight and won’t hold your mistakes against you. But first, you have to quit fooling yourselves.



  1. Ebrun

    Troy, you arrogance is blatantly evident, truly appalling, but quite representative of the liberal mindset. You seem to believe that only those who share your world view can “separate the chaff from the wheat.”

    “The truly pathetic thing about having too many choice”? Are you serious? Are you ready to dispense with the democratic process? At different times, over half of the voters of our democracy disagree with your political opinions. So you think that’s “the problem with choices.”

    Adam is right. The clear implication of your attitude is that choices should be limited for those who do not share your views. Or , in other words, for today’s archetypical liberal, their ends justify their means.

    • Troy

      Did I say remove all choices? Comprehend what you read rather than inserting your spin into what was neither said nor implied.

      • Ebrun

        Read my post again. “…choices should be LIMITED….” , not “removed.” (Emphasis added.)

        • Troy

          Ok; where did I SAY they should be “….limited..” YOU said it; I did not. Only you would try to insert yourself into something someone else wrote and then try to twist it back. (Emphasis right back at ya)

          • ebrun

            The obvious implication of you comments over “too many choices” was that you think there are TOO many. But if you want to clarify your thinking on the matter, that’s fine. Good to know you are not in favor of limiting our choices, even if some of them appear to you to be “chaff.”

          • Troy

            The statement stands on its own merit. I’m not the one that leaped to a bunch of ill conceived and misconstrued conclusions.

    • Troy

      Did I say anything about removing all choice genius? Comprehend what you’re reading rather than inserting your own spin into something that was neither stated nor implied.

  2. Ebrun

    Mr. Mills is either in total denial or is hoping to be named Spin Doctor of the Year by the Democratic Party

    A quick look at the current tax code and some rudimentary arithmetic will show what a crock of misinformation and fake news liberal pundits and interest groups are claiming about the Republican’s tax legislation now near passage in Congress. Here is some data that Mr. Mills and other left wing spin doctors are ignoring:

    1.According to the U.S. Census, roughly 55 percent os American households have an annual income of less than $100k;

    2. According to the Tax Foundation, 70 percent of U.S taxpayers, the vast majority of whom have a taxable income of less than $100k, take the standard deduction which is currently $12,700 for a married couple filing jointly;

    3. Both the Senate and House bills substantially increase the standard deduction for all tax payers. For a married couple filing jointly, the standard deduction will be $24,000, an increase of $11,300 of income that will no longer be subject to a federal income tax:

    4. Under the current tax code, a married couple filing jointly would owe $1133 on that $11,300 of taxable income;

    5. Since the GOP bills would roughly double the child tax credit, a married couple with two dependent children with an adjusted gross income of $70,00 would see their child tax credit increased from $2.000 to$4,000;

    6.So under the Republican tax bills, a family of four with an adjusted gross income of $70,000 taking the standard deduction will enjoy at least a $3133 reduction in their federal income taxes, even more when the new, lower bracket rates take effect;

    7. Under the current tax code, a family of four filing jointly with an adjusted gross income of $70,000 taking the standard deduction and the child tax credit would owe $3219; the same couple under the new plan would owe around $1520, or a 47.2 decrease in their federal income tax;

    8.. Even for a couple without dependents and thus unable to tax the child tax credit, there would be a tax savings under the GOP plan of around $920 compared to the current tax code., or 14.7 percent lower than under the present tax code.

    No wonder the Democrats are spinning the tax debate so hard. Once the new rates , deductions and credits take effect, they will have little credibility when it comes to federal spending and taxes.

    • ebrun

      A very weak rebuttal, D.g. Whatsamatter, did you forget how to use a calculator? Or maybe you never had one. That would be understandable since basic math is not compatible with over-the-top, emotional rants.

  3. smartysmom

    EVERYONE leaving a reply to a previous reply could (should?) reference who they are replying to by name, otherwise the reply dialog becomes incoherent.

  4. Rick Gunter

    Frankly, I am madder than hell. Call it resentment politics and just sheer anger. But this native Tar Heel is doing everything in his power in Virginia to torpedo every Repubican from the courthouse to the White House. I am deep into the resistance.
    By the way, the Republicans have given the Democrats a phrase:
    “We robbed you!”

    They did and we will not forget in 2018 and 2020.

  5. Adam

    Your resentment is showing, Comrade.

    • Troy

      As does your contempt for those not of the upper crust, Herr Sturmhauptführer.

      • Adam

        Haw. I didn’t even vote for Trump, and wouldn’t if given the chance. But bloggers venting at people who won’t vote the way the blogger thinks is in their “best interest” as though the target of the rant even reads the blog in question never ceases to amuse me. The urge to control others is seemingly universal.

        • Rick Gunter

          With all due respect to you and your comments, people who voted for Trump made the electoral mistake of a lifetime and probably of all time. I have voted for several Republicans in the past. But Trump represents a special class who should not have been allowed within 10 miles of the White House. He and the Republicans are killing our democracy. We are in a national emergency that people simply don’t understand.

        • Troy

          I never said anything about voting for Trump, but okay. As for bloggers (insofar as this blog is concerned) who “…vent…” I think its more a matter of you need to look at this. After all, you can’t shake them until the little light comes back on in their eyes. It’s a compare and contrast moment. This is what you were told; this is what is being done. It’s not spun, it’s “here, read this for yourself.”

          Except, they wont read it for themselves. People only read or watch what they find agreeable with their beliefs and nothing else.The truly pathetic thing about having too many choices.

          • Adam

            “The truly pathetic thing about having too many choices.”

            Guess we better limit those choices, then, huh? You know…FOR THEIR OWN GOOD.

          • Troy

            Why Adam? Why should we limit choice? Obviously you don’t limit your choices; that’s why we see you lurking about here from time to time. I don’t limit my choices either. The lid has blown off this cooker and there will be no putting it back on.

            But the problem with choices is that you need to be able to separate the chaff from the wheat. Chaff might be filling, but you don’t really get a lot out of it.

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