No doubt, the Obamacare roll out is a mess. That said, states that set up their own exchanges and expanded Medicare are having success. They are getting insurance to people who have never had it or have been denied affordable coverage for years because of pre-existing conditions. Eventually, this program is going to work. And probably sooner than later.
Democrats need to take a deep breath, steel themselves and stay on message. This program is not about a web site. It’s about providing health care to virtually everyone and controlling costs that have been spiraling out of control. It’s a message Democrats pushed throughout the first decade of this century with overwhelming support. It’s also a message Republicans ignored when they had the power to do something about it.
In states like North Carolina, Democrats should be blaming Republicans for refusing to set up their own exchanges and expand Medicare. They are denying coverage to more than 300,000 people and costing many of the rest of us more money. Make them own it. Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin said as much just a month ago. He and the rest of the Democrats should still be saying it. Over and over and over again.
Democrats’ only option is to make the program work–and it is workable. They’re fools if they think they can run from it now and supporting legislation that will hurt the program will only hurt them. If the program fails, Democrats across the board will get the blame and no amount of maneuvering will change that. So they need to fight to make it work, not appease the small but vocal group of people who are paying more.
Regardless of the recent Gallup poll, people want health care. While the headlines and Republican TV ads have them spooked right now, they will no longer accept a system that denies coverage for pre-existing conditions or sends hardworking families into bankruptcy for sub-par coverage. And the only solution Republicans have offered in the past 30 years is the one Obama is trying to enact now.
My guess is that by April, the furor dies down. The GOP has made such a stink for so long, that Americans who will be little impacted are expecting a huge difference in their lives. The media is loving the drama of the failed web site and increased premiums for a very small percentage of the population. After the March 31 enrollment deadline, most people are going to realize that they’ve seen little change to their lives or their health coverage and all this rancor is going to be a distant memory.
So, Democrats, here’s your message: We want to control the cost of health care and provide affordable care to all Americans while Republicans have failed to offer any solutions to our broken health care system and are now trying to sabotage reform, not fix it.
Republicans have offered many ideas – in fact they wanted to offer ammendments to Obamacare, but for some reason Democrats jammed it through at the end of December right when a new Senator from Mass. was about to walk in… this mess is all YOUR DOING Democrats. And soon even your voting fraud tactics will not save your seats
“We want to control the cost of health care and provide affordable care to all Americans while Republicans have failed to offer any solutions to our broken health care system and are now trying to sabotage reform, not fix it.”
I am hoping they take this advice. The pendulum is swinging and people have seen what left-wing “control” means. It means more government control, less individual say, and higher, not lower costs.
There are several problems with your premise.
The first is about the fictional horde of people denied coverage for pre-existing conditions… Millions of Americans HAD cover w/ pre-existing conditions. Those are dead now thanks to obamacare. Insurance companies had high risk pools for them and many variations of plans. I know this as my bride has a hole in her heart…and as a Benefits and Compensation professional she also purchases insurance for 8500 people around the country for her company.
Unless you are seeking a new definition of PEC…like you break your arm and then buy HC..or your house burns then you buy INS…you are simply creating a fabrication designed to sway the bulk of people who like to tout “they care”.
“Eventually, this program is going to work.”
Sorry that is just dead wrong. Conservative have been right on this ills of the program for years…and the next shoe that we were right about is about to drop…and that is it was NEVER designed to work. It is designed to create enough frustration to make everyone pine for Single Payer. Single Payer assures a dedicated voting block.
“It’s about providing health care to virtually everyone and controlling costs that have been spiraling out of control.”
No…it’s been about creating another entitlement system. To do so it was designed (per the rule that we told everyone about (and Kay signed off on)) kill the HC everyone HAD and LIKED…to force them onto new plans that are over priced to pay for the supplementation of SMALLER portion of people that did not have HC…ONLY that portion that wanted it…NOT that portion that DID NOT WANT IT.
“Democrats should be blaming Republicans for refusing to set up their own exchanges and expand Medicare. ”
Errr….where does THAT money come from? You know how kids get hooked on drugs? the first “high” is “free”…but the rest not so much. The states passing out the free crack w/ funding from the Federal Gov are going to have to pay for it themselves in short order…and guess what? States cannot print money. All the masses the states are doping up are going to be demanding their high when the Federal money runs out…
Math much? That too was designed to fail and contribute to the manufactured crisis…again all designed to push for Single payer.
“Regardless of the recent Gallup poll, people want health care.”
yes…and they want the Government out of it.
Obama’s miserable poll numbers are HIS alone. This is unlike GWB who had the entire media riding him…this IS in in spite of media insulation of Obama.
The millions who voted for him and have had their HC plans killed by his Lie are waking up.
“sends hardworking families into bankruptcy for sub-par coverage.”
This is the biggest load of all. Sure …it is a GREAT component to scare people and drive the illusion of crisis…but people are more afraid of the increased monthly premiums…that is a cyclical reality…not a worst scenario “what if”. Besides, liberal substandard promoted work ethics have made bankruptcy a common escape hatch.
Funny who the new plans that are “Par coverage” force 60 yo women to buy maternity coverage…
“My guess is that by April, the furor dies down.”
I just blew snot onto my keyboard!
Did you ever guess it was going to be this bad? That after 3 years and all of our money did you guess they would not even have 30% of the web program written?
If you did not it was either because your are enlisted in promoting the failure and understood it was designed to fail….or you were just following to closely to the sheep in front of your to notice the path your were on goes no where.
Compulsory participation in a system that creates vassals is a system that creates slaves.
The real free market works sans politicos form both sides…and thousands of Doctors are forging their new paths to meet the demand. This shows the American ingenuity of working around the fences progressive government puts up to control. It is what made us great….once.
(Voice of Kaa)
Yesss Sstay angryss Democratss…ssso angry yous cannot ssee. Thatss how your masster likess youss.