The GOP convention is nothing if not entertaining. It’s got twists and turns, a changing plot line, and a master of ceremonies who is also the guest of honor. It’s not really a convention, though; it’s a reality show.
Last night the convention offered some of the greatest political theater in modern history. Texas Senator Ted Cruz took advantage of a primetime spot to upstage the GOP Vice-Presidential nominee and not endorse Donald Trump. Instead, Cruz kicked off his 2020 campaign, laid bare the division within the Republican Party, and became a hero to some and a villain to others.
And Trump was in the middle of it all. According to him, his campaign knew in advance that Cruz wasn’t going to endorse. Trump let him speak anyway. In true showman fashion, Trump showed up at the convention center at the exact moment that Cruz was dissing him. Cameras shifted between Trump standing in the shadows and Cruz standing at the podium. Trump couldn’t have choreographed it better if he had tried.
By the time Cruz was finished, the highlight of the night, Mike Pence’s acceptance speech, was obscured before it even took place. When Pence did speak, he gave one of the better speeches of the convention. But instead of allowing him to have his moment, Trump walked out on stage before Pence’s family could join him, and gave Pence an air kiss, as if Pence were a contestant on his show.
Throughout the post-primary season, Trump has belittled and humiliated his former opponents. Chris Christie has been reduced to a lap dog. Marco Rubio was Lil’ Marco. Jeb Bush was low energy. Most either reluctantly endorsed or quietly demurred from supporting Trump. Cruz, in contrast, blasted Trump after The Donald insulted his wife and accused his father of being part of the JFK assassination. Trump rewarded him with a primetime spot at his convention, as if he has a perverse respect for the guy who wouldn’t roll over for him.
Anticipation built through night, not for what Pence would say, but for what Cruz would do. Trump had to have known that in advance. He’s manipulated the press, the convention attendees, and the general public in a way no other political convention has.
While all the pundits and political prognosticators call the convention a disaster for the GOP, maybe it’s just what Trump wants. It’s pure entertainment and theater. I don’t think Trump is planning on running a campaign with traditional campaign operations. He’s banking on keeping voters engaged through political entertainment, which means the unexpected and controversy is good—even if it involves upstaging his VP pick. In Trump world, if people are focused on him and his campaign, regardless of why, he’s scoring points.
For Trump, the campaign is a show, not an operation. We’ll see how that pans out in November.
During the past week I’ve been following a number of web postings and their comments about the GOP convention. The comments above rise far above what I’ve been reading. I hope that means there are some good minds right here in NC, and perhaps we can clean up the mess in our own state. I think that is where it has to start.
Let’s hope you are right, Mary. From your lips to God’s ear.
Actually, this GOP convention is as vapid and as meaningless as every convention, Democratic or Republican, has been since 1976.
Nothing is actually being decided or discussed, and everything is propaganda and positioning for the future – much like a High School pep rally.
So, judged on the standards that we ourselves have established over the last 35 years, I’d say this has been a pretty effective political convention for the GOP.
Michael Moore is right – we’re in deep shit, and we’re gonna lose if our candidate continues to refuse to compete. Nobody believes her when she cribs from Sanders notes. She has to get out in front and promise some real, meaningful CHANGE that would actually have some impact on ordinary people’s increasingly-shitty lives.
At least promise a break from the relentless drive downward in purchasing power demanded by globalization via “harmonization”, if nothing else.
But I doubt her handlers will allow her to even admit that globalization is the direct cause of the declining quality of life in this country. Because they are profiting directly off of the situation. And it would embarrass Obama by besmirching his “legacy”. Or something like that.
Trump may be all snake oil – but he does actually acknowledge that the status quo is an utter disaster. Clinton can’t seem to even take this first step of acknowledging reality. I guess there is still time for the DLC crewe to wise up and smell the coffee. Or maybe they know the fix is in, and they don’t actually have to do anything, as the voting machines will “iron out all the difficulties”. I can’t tell if their behavior signals confidence (because of something we don’t know yet) – or if it’s plain old self-delusion.
This realty show masks a serious purpose on the part of Trump and his supporters. Entertainment is neither policy nor governance, as most rational folks know. However, the undercurrent of malicious and ugly innuendo combined with outright lies about the opposition, the current administration, the state of the country generally all lead to a barely concealed march toward outcomes that are most charitably called alarming. What I have seen in this convention convinces me that historical comparisons some are making between the Trump campaign and Germany in the 30’s are not as foolish as I once thought. This is hatred and a cult of personality clothed in conservatism, which deserves better. Neither Buckley, nor Reagan, would recognize this, nor I think, accept the Trump campaign and this convention as worthy of the GOP. Stand where one may on the political spectrum, democracy requires informed folks using their brains, not bleating slogans and chanting about putting one’s opponents in jail. The latter is the behavior of would be dictators. We should all be frightened after the past three days showing what a Trump cabinet, administration and choice of appointees might look like.
Casually watched the events last night until his speech and thought Cruz handed Trump his hat until Trump’s entrance and realized all was orchestrated by the Trump team. This is a reality show and we are being totally manipulated. Not a fan of Mike Pence, but he is a serious guy with some ideas and been relegated quickly to Trump’s little buddy. Please do not allow Trump anywhere the White House
Sorry, NEAR the White House