As the Republican bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act died at the hands of Speaker Paul Ryan and Donald Trump, progressive leaders warned, “Now is not the time to gloat.” DNC Deputy Chair Rep. Keith Ellison tweeted, “Don’t gloat; get ready for round 2. Organize!”
Don’t listen to them. Gloat! Enjoy this victory. It’s been a miserable few months to be a Democrat. We need to enjoy this moment and relish the finger-pointing and infighting that’s roiling the Republican Party this weekend. It’s been cathartic. It might be short-lived given the level of Republican control at the state and federal government, so take your schadenfreude while you can get it.
Republicans in Congress have been promising for seven years that they were going to repeal and replace Obamacare with no specifics. Then, the country elected a narcissistic con artist president who promised healthcare for everybody and promised it would be better and cheaper than what we have now.
None of what Trump promised was in the bill. Instead, the debate laid bare what Republicans really meant when they talked about repealing Obamacare and what Donald Trump was willing to support. They were willing to bring back pre-existing conditions and lifetime caps. They would end coverage for emergency room visits, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse treatment, prescription drugs, and hospitalizations. At the same time, the bill would leave 24 million more Americans without insurance and cause premiums to go up, not down. It was a stark reminder of why the American people wanted healthcare reform so badly in the first place.
The shrinking number of moderate Republicans knew the bill would cost many of them their seats. The only Republicans that would survive would be those in safely gerrymandered districts. The rallies at town halls let GOP members know that the public was paying attention.
The organizing effort paid off. The Republicans in Congress exposed their divisions and lack of real leadership. Donald Trump, once again, showed he doesn’t mean what he says and has little concern for the people who supported him out of desperation. It’s the first really good news Democrats have had since November 8.
So ignore all the party poopers telling you not to gloat. Have at it. Savor this victory and pat yourselves on the back. Just remember that there’s a lot of hard work ahead and certainly some frustrating defeats to come. The battle has just begun.
Attention, Democrats. Save some time and energy for more gloating during the rest of this and next year. My guess is that this GOP internal fight between Trump and the Congress is just beginning. Do we think the Freedom caucus and Republican moderates, after savoring this victory over Trump, are going to cave on tax reform? Immigration? The Wall? The Trump budget? And, of course, what Trump and Ryan have also done is unite the Democrats for their first real victory. Also note that the voters who were part of the rallies, and marches in opposition to Trumpcare are now revitalized and stronger.
Add to that, Trump’s unwillingness and inability to learn or admit he is ever wrong and that he needs to compromise in order to govern, and I foresee nothing but conflict and angst ahead. Meanwhile, his approval rating (now at 37%) will diminish and once that occurs it is very difficult to turn it around. Of course, politicians up for election in 2018 will understand what this means, right?
Trump is building his historical legacy as the only candidate and president to assert that he never made a mistake so there is no need for compromise for the good of this country. Stand by–it is Trump, his party over the country.
Not so much gloating as simply savoring here, and looking forward to replacing some of these right-wing thugs in the NCGA at the next election. If we’re going to undo the damage wrought by the Kochs it has to start in the state houses.
Holy Moly! This sounds just like the kind of campaign rhetoric that cost Dems the elections – national, state and local — in 2016. Don’t you get it? people don’t believe all that “repubs are bad guys” rant, or else they don’t care.
Unless democrats find a new song, you’re going to be just as lost next year as you were last
I hate to say that I agree, so gloat quietly, and keep planning on how we are going to become a more inclusive party. We have lost our base, the blue-collar worker. I am considering changing my affiliation from Democrat to Independent.
Tell me, Just what do they believe?
“they.” Who might you be referring to asking that question Willard?