First, the sent out/requested ballots: the trend for requested ballots continues to show registered Democratic strength when it comes to these traditional Republican-favored voting method.
Of the 18,186 ballots sent out so far, 41 percent are to registered Democratic voters, 35 percent to registered Republican voters, and 24 percent to registered unaffiliated voters. Women are 55 percent of the sent ballots, while white voters are 83 percent and black voters are 12 percent.
In comparing these sent ballots to 2010’s mid-term election, there is an unique exception that has to be taken into account. According to legendary NC General Assembly guru Gerry Cohen, 2010 mail-in ballots were automatically sent to military and overseas voters who had voted in 2008. Between 2010 and 2014, there was a change in federal law that not longer required automatic mail-out of ballots to these folks. Thus, the 2010 numbers would be inflated compared to the 2014 numbers, unless you delineate the ‘civilian’ only numbers as a basis of comparison, which I do in the following graphic.
I also give the remainder of this week’s comparable 2010 numbers (36-32 days out from the election) to give some idea of what was seen in 2010 for this coming week. As noted, registered Republicans have basically hit where they were this time in 2010 (88 votes ahead of 2010’s date); but for Democrats, they are substantially ahead of where they were this time four years ago (2,759 votes), along with unaffiliated voters as well (1,448 votes ahead).
In terms of returned and accepted mail-in ballots (thus, actual votes), we won’t know the vote totals so far, but we do know who sent them in:
Among the 3,146 ballots (17% of the requested ballots have been returned):
- 45 percent are from registered Democrats
- 35 percent are from registered Republicans
- 20 percent are from registered unaffiliated voters
- 53 percent from women
- 46 percent from men
- 81 percent from white voters
- 14 percent from black voters
- 5 percent from ‘other’ racial-category voters