The Donald has drawn another congressional endorsement, this time from North Carolina’s own Rep. Renee Ellmers. Say what? Yes, the Renee Ellmers who sparred with Laura Ingraham over immigration and who is close to the House leadership, is now endorsing Donald Trump for President of the United States.

I’m taking full credit for this. About two months ago I suggested, half-jokingly, that Ellmers might want to consider endorsing Ted Cruz or Donald Trump if she wanted to get renominated. That was back when the old congressional lines were in place and she faced former Chatham County GOP chair Jim Duncan as her chief opponent. Well, now she’s going up against her colleague, Rep. George Holding, someone even more formidable.

The announcement by Ellmers that she voted for Trump is even more baffling considering that just a week ago, she supported John Kasich in a local county straw poll, calling him “the most mature right now.” So either her criteria for choosing candidates changed within a week’s time, or she was won over by Trump’s elevated maturity level in the last week.

Regardless, it’s gratifying to know that Ellmers’ staff reads this blog and takes my advice seriously. If they keep it up, she might win another term after all!


  1. Edward Barnard

    I find myself liking Renee Elmers more all the time. And yes John, if her staff is reading your blog you should be gratified cause she’s the epitome of what a republican ought to be: a true conservative rather than the typical corporate/lockstep republican zealot.

  2. Ebrun

    Ellmers is in big trouble against Holding. It’s an obvious and transparent move to try to latch onto Trump voters to withstand Holding with his more conservative voting record. It’s a move brought out of desperation, but I doubt Trump voters will be able to bail her out in the June 7 primary.

    • James

      Trump voters would consider Ellmers “too liberal” for their taste. But she does have that bubblehead X-factor working for her, so who knows?

      • Ebrun

        I hope you’re right about Trump voters not voting for Ellmers. That should help us elect George Holding.

        • TY Thompson

          It’s the other way around, most of the new parts of her district went strongly for Cruz. If she was the underdog in this race before, she just sealed the casket on her congressional career with that boneheaded endorsement.

  3. craig austin

    New definition fo r Dumb Bitch, Renee Elmers Fudd.

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