The pretenders

Yesterday, Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson got to play governor. With the real governor, Roy Cooper, out of the country, Robinson declared a day of prayer and week of solidarity with Israel in the wake of the Hamas attacks. The charade was part of an ongoing attempt...
Democrats’ steep climb on election day

Democrats’ steep climb on election day

Despite all of the noise and competing narratives, early vote totals don’t look very good for Democrats. There are some unknowns in the numbers, but several indicators fall significantly behind 2018 totals. The problems also don’t look evenly distributed. The election...

Out of the ashes of Twitter…

Out of the ashes of Twitter…

I must say, I’ve had a great time watching Twitter self-destruct in real-time this week end. New owner Elon Musk clearly does not understand the platform he bought and brings erroneous, pre-conceived notions about the people using it. Watching those people dunk on him...

Dueling narratives

Dueling narratives

As we head down the stretch of the final week of the campaign, two distinct, partisan narratives are emerging. Republicans are giddy at the prospect that the red wave that seemed to have subsided over the summer is back. Democrats are saying that the media is buying...

Using the Second Amendment to shutdown the First

Using the Second Amendment to shutdown the First

In the wake of the attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Democrats protested that rhetoric from the right was, at least partially, to blame. Republicans immediately responded, calling the accusations unfounded. They pointed to attacks on Republicans to show that both...

All over but the votin’

All over but the votin’

This year’s political environment feels as volatile as any I remember. Last spring, the year looked to be a historic red wave about to wash Democrats out of office up and down the ballot as party infighting paralyzed the legislative process. By summer, the dynamic had...

A revealing election

A revealing election

We’re just 18 days from the midterm election. Right now, the environment seems to favor Republicans. Inflation and a souring economy dominate the political conversation and the low-information voters who will determine the elections aren’t focused on either Democratic...

Voting begins in earnest tomorrow

Voting begins in earnest tomorrow

Tomorrow, voting in North Carolina begins in earnest. While mail-in ballots have been available for several weeks, in-person early voting will give us far more insight into the electorate. If North Carolina follows states like Georgia that began voting in-person on...

I’m Ted Budd and I approve this lie

I’m Ted Budd and I approve this lie

When Ted Budd said, “I’m Ted Budd and I approve this message” before his latest attack on Cheri Beasley, he admitted that he’s a liar. There’s virtually nothing true in the ad. I guess that’s not surprising coming from a guy who also spread the Big Lie after the 2020...

Down the stretch, A more normal midterm

Down the stretch, A more normal midterm

Today, I’ve got a lot of thoughts. If you’re a Democrat or progressive, they aren’t encouraging. Some stem from news stories over the past week and others from a poll that I stumbled upon on Wednesday.  Overall, I think the political environment in general has taken a...