Divided government and 2024

by | Nov 18, 2022 | Editor's Blog | 7 comments

Well, the leadership of both parties in the U.S. House is changing. Democrats will be led by Hakeem Jeffries and Kevin McCarthy will probably be Speaker, though that’s still not certain. Democrats, led nationally by Joe Biden, will push for legislation that helps Americans. Republicans, led by crazy, will investigate Hunter Biden and a host other perceived enemies. MAGA is the gift that keeps on giving to Democrats. 

Republican control of the House without a large enough majority to actually govern is the best scenario for Democrats heading into 2024. Marjorie Taylor Green will have a prominent voice in the GOP caucus, scaring regular Americans away from the GOP. Lauren Boebert will take no lessons from her near-loss in a safe district and continue spew her bile. McCarthy, with an ungovernable caucus, will put his poor political skills on national display. 

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign will further complicate GOP ambitions. He will almost certainly have a primary and the GOP could be split between its conservative traditionalists and reactionary populists. While the conservatives will continue to vote for Trump if he gets the nomination, the reactionaries are likely to reject an establishment candidate because Trump is willing to burn it all down. They should have taken care of him when they had the chance. 

Democrats have an opportunity to establish themselves as the moderate party in the country, governing seriously and working to make the country better for most Americans. Divided government will prevent them from getting much accomplished over the next two years, but they can showcase their priorities and agenda to the public. 

Americans want more affordable health care, higher minimum wages, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, legal abortion, and accessible college. In contrast, they don’t want the non-stop investigations of peripheral political players and imaginary scandals that have little impact on their lives. They also don’t want bans on abortion. For two years, we’re going to see both sides promoting their values and agendas without a whole lot of action.

Over the next two years, the bills passed in 2022 will begin to take effect. Infrastructure projects will help keep unemployment low while Americans will see improvements to roads, bridges, and broadband. Seniors will see their prescription costs decrease. Inflation is headed down and projected to be within the Federal Reserve’s two percent target by the end of next year, just in time for the 2024 election to begin in earnest. The 2024 presidential election will give voters a clear contrast between the Democrats and Republicans, shaped by two years of arguments without results, a strong economy, low inflation, and the implementation of bills that were passed in 2022. Divided government may leave Democrats in the strongest position they’ve held since 2008.


  1. cocodog

    Kevin McCarthy has never shown himself to have the grace and backbone normally associated with real leadership. More than likely, he will turn control over to the crazies. Folks like Green and that former wrestling coach who will control much of what republicans do. The so called tough guys will stagger around conducing one frivolous investigation after another with no real wrongs to hang their hat on, while attempting to reduce taxes on the fat cats. (The irrational trickledown economics theory still controls their legislative philosophy) Old Kevin will do nothing to change this. He is so afraid of crossing Trump, and his marry little band of near do wells and nut cases he lacks the initiative to bring himself to exercise any control. Thankfully, Kevin will not last long enough to do any real damage as he will be replaced in 2024 by a rational Democrat. I suspect the framers anticipated this as they needed to reeducate the voters as to what a really bad legislative body looks and acts like every now and again. Meanwhile, just sit back have a good supply of popcorn and enjoy the show, knowing these clowns are merely acting out the elements of their own self destruction. Nothing they do will ever have any effect on much of anything, with the exception of insuring their irrelevance in future elections. Thankfully, we still hold the Senate, Presidency and succeeded in getting some significant legislation on the books

  2. Ted Fillette

    You have aptly described the national picture. Unfortunately, the picture in NC is less bright. The Republican takeover of the state supreme court gives the General Assembly carte blanch to gerrymandering their own districts to create supermajorities that make the governor’s veto worthless and Republican congressional districts for 10 out of 14 seats (more Rs for Kevin McCarthy in 2024). Republicans will still control the legislature when the 2030 census requires redistricting for the following decade, and they can perpetuate their supermajority control again. All of this leads to reversal of the Leandro victory for public schools, the loss of abortion rights, no expansion of Medicaid, the continuing low-wage minimum, and the gradual deteriorating UNC system.

  3. joyce ingalls

    I am hoping that you are on target.

  4. richard

    Excellent positive cast on current election results at the national level (but alas not for NC). Indeed, one hopes for all this as a sensible burial at last of corrupt, anti democratic Trumpism. But meanwhile, we are likely limited in our ability to rein in continuing climate problems and may be forced by the US House if still dominated indirectly by Trump to cut back on aid to Ukraine against Trump’s comparable anti-democrat buddy Putin…

    • Cornelian Gray

      Interesting how there’s no mention of the Lunatic Left that burned down our cities during th ‘Summer of Love’
      Dementia Joe poses no threat whatsoever

      • JB

        Which cities were those?

  5. Shel W. Anderson

    Oh I hope you’re correct about the Dems. But so many things can happen – new pandemic, Ukraine, African drought

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