Demographics will not change the South. A reckoning will.

by | Dec 22, 2020 | Politics | 3 comments

There have been many New Souths. The first was a fraud, a marketing strategy devised by Bourbon Democrats to present a regressing society as a dynamic destination for investment. Over a century later, we began to hear about how air conditioning and the Civil Rights Act had obviated the Old Confederacy’s long and ugly inheritance, but this ray of hope was extinguished by Nixon and the Southern Strategy. Another wave of boosterism crested after Virginia, Florida and North Carolina voted for Barack Obama, but the ensuing decade saw the most vigorous efforts at voter suppression since before 1965. The New South is a hope that burns eternal but never withstands the forces of history and reaction.

Always, the dream of a New South rests on a quasi-scientific notion known as “modernization.” Unwittingly channeling Marx, Southern champions point toward the region’s evolution from an agrarian society to an industrialized economic force, and perhaps, eventually, a center of the Knowledge Industries. With this progress come new workers–at first derided as Carpetbaggers, then celebrated as degree-holding blue-state transplants–and growing sophistication. Over time, these new industries and the workers who populate them will replace the older generation and form a new world where slavery and segregation once ruled.

Alas, only half of this trend has born fruit. The South remains more rural and agricultural than the rest of the country, but it bristles with auto plants and corporate office parks. “Yankee” transplants have been moving their families to the region for sixty years. Nevertheless, the South is the most racist, impoverished, unequal and unhealthy region in America and perhaps the entire developed world. To the extent that the death penalty exists in America, it is mostly in Southern execution chambers. To the extent that Americans lack health insurance, they mostly live in former Confederate states that have not expanded Medicaid. Every Southern state has a voter-ID law. Clearly, this is place that is still haunted by its history.

The promise of demographic modernization has failed the South. In the words of Mississippi novelist Jesmyn Ward, “the ugly heart of the South still beats with the idea that some people are less than others.” It is tempting to say that the South will never change fundamentally, but an historical comparison is instructive. Just as the South has been a moral laggard, Germany was the great troublemaker of Europe in the twentieth century. But rather than persist in bigotry and militarism, the German nation engaged in a profound reckoning with what it had done to the Jewish people and to the world. Nazi structures were razed, and Germany paid reparations to Israel. They committed to resolving their moral debt.

The South’s worst atrocities are not as recent as the Holocaust and the World Wars were to Germany when they began the truth process, but Americans are increasingly cognizant of them. Slavery. Segregation. Lynchings. A morally mature South could recognize these horrors as worthy of atonement, acknowledge their living legacy, and lay a foundation for a future that is better than the past. Given how white Southerners whitewashed the Confederacy, this process of truth and reconciliation may seem like a forlorn hope. But even in North Carolina, which sent more men to die in the dishonorable Rebel cause than any other state, Black and white activists have mobilized against Confederate monuments. One must have a very low opinion of other Southerners to believe that a process that started with Silent Sam could not end in a full reckoning that creates a better world.


  1. Chris Chafe

    As a long time reader of this site’s blog posts I am a major supporter of your approach here. I encourage you to please write a follow up that defines what a “reckoning” would be. I believe it starts with a focused, intentional, inclusive truth, justice and reconciliation process in many communities. To at least begin the dialogue about the path and how it shapes the present. And perhaps creates the space to consider new commitments and investments in more just practices in our economy, society, and our politics. It’s an American challenge but NC should and could lead the way. What do you think?

    • Timothy B. Tyson

      I think NC is the best possible place to launch such a campaign. We have some of the nation’s most bitter and violent racial histories and yet we undeniably have some of the most persistent interracial politics going back as far as the Fusion movement of the 1890s, which elected interracial slates of candidates, elected a Fusionist Governor, two Fusionist US Senators, a mixed Congressional delegation, and took every statewide race and never lost at the polls. Instead the white conservatives overthrew the democratically elected Fusion regime began force and by fraud and by mass slaughter in the streets of Wilmington in 1898 and violent suppression of the Black vote in 1898 and 1900. Those interracial politics have revived again and again, and offers a basis for the kinds of difficult conversations that would have to happen for any reckoning with the past.
      Tim Tyson

      • Alexander H. Jones

        Thank you for your comment, Prof. Tyson!

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