A couple weeks ago, Democrats were having difficulty landing just one candidate to go up against Richard Burr. Now, they might have multiple. No one’s officially declared yet, but several folks have made it clear they’re leaning toward running.
That’s both good and bad news for Democrats. The good news is that they’ll have a choice and will be able to choose the candidate they think is strongest. The bad news is what a competitive primary might mean in terms of depleting already scarce resources. That’s exactly what happened to Democrats in 2010 and they paid a heavy price.
Of the candidates, Heath Shuler appears to be the top choice of the Democratic establishment in Washington. Insiders say odds are “slightly worse than 50-50” that he’ll run. If Shuler jumps in, liberals are likely to put up a fight. Right now their standard bearer would probably be former State Rep. Deborah Ross, who was a progressive champion in the House. It’s rumored that Ross has told the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee that she’s in.
Then there’s Rep. Duane Hall, who like Ross is from Wake County. Hall says he’s not 100% in but is “leaning strongly toward” running. He says that people tried to recruit him so that he could capture the “middle vote” against Burr. He would probably compete with Ross for the liberal vote in the primary.
The most interesting unknown quantity is Chris Rey. There are already two entrants in the Lieutenant Governor contest – Linda Coleman and Holly Jones. If Rey enters the Senate race instead, he could shake up the race by capturing most of the black vote. And of course, the more entrants you have, the more likely it is that a runoff will occur. (Runoffs, of course, are not automatic. The second place finisher has to ask for one and that might be a smart idea if Democrats are already hurting for money.)
In the meantime, most pundits think Richard Burr is favored for a second term. The National Journal ranks the North Carolina Senate seat held by Burr as the #8 most likely to switch parties.
Your concern for the Democratic Party is touching. On behalf of all Democrats many thanks. I would like to know where you get all this inside info about what the DSCC wants or prefers as a candidate in this state. In any case you, nor they, really have little to do with it but those of us who vote in primaries. As for Shuler I believe he would be happier in the Republican party for those of you with a like mind. Again…thanks for your concern about Democratic bounty of candidates and monies.
ps: so the previous post…friend of yours?
As a Working Class Scholar and inventor of the Insurodollar an alternative to the failing Petrodollar who has studied issues of governance for 40 years due to a major work of conceptual art, since all governments are experiments, I would be perfect.
I might be too sick, as another old white man, though tore up by work and time. The salary would go to PT and aids.
I announced my intention and became the Intendor on youtube.
I called the Business Agent for the card with Local Iatse 491 and asked for Union support from Matt Loeb who organized me in ILM. He has a hidden number. Told my wife I’d not run without Union support.
No answer.
Thomas Mills this gift of a publication was gracious enough to stand in the heat and tell me I’d not a chance in hell, and youtube was useless. True enough it is. I’m smart enough to seek vetting from the experienced.
I’ve succeeded in getting Verla Insko to fight Ignorance with engineers to brief the legislature about Energy Capture. There is no reason at all to see Fracking done in NC. Solarize the sow gas process and give the pigs a little room, and hog waste and horse manure, and chicken drops can give NC all the gas it needs renewably as jobs in place for the rural families.
Energy Capture is jobs in the rural and urban atmosphere. It is a crime and corruption of minds intentions that 25 percent of NC citizenry lives in poverty.
I decided preventing the apocalyptic riot meant a federal level seat. Somebody else would have to take up the campaigning for mine soon as I got it. I doubt I could physically do more than one term.
I did put everything traditionally required in place. The website substitutes for a paper. Poor Buzz & Stories from Warnings for my Daughter does the book required. You’ll find out where I am coming from. It was written for new and tired old eyes.
The youtube channel is both radio and tv now. (Intendor Radio Show)
If I got a committee by April ’16 and could pay the filing fee, I’d take a page from the Johnson campaign and fly to all the large and small airports. Helicopter is too much to ask.
Personal Contact is everything in business. It is a business. I am capable of being an entertainer, but that is low for the peoples real needs and respect. Jon Stewart was smart to not be funny in the face of things not right to joke about.
Great leaders turn to their engineers. Energy is the key to civilization. Power could come from the sea. Light comes from above. DC and superconductor tech are what will free us. If GE won’t pay us taxes they had better give us dynamos that sit in the sea.
Unless we are freed from the Petrodollar Imperative, every bit of the fossil fuels will be dug up drilled for and scrapped off the surface and burned. It is like a gold rush with the gold vein running out.
Transcendian on youtube, Transcendia.org, speech after speech. Vice Chair Town Hall Precinct. Pragmatically Thomas is correct. Still vision counts for a great deal if engineers support it, support you.