On April 13, Dan Forest delivered a speech to the intensely right-wing Civitas Institute. Civitas prosecutes politics like warfare. The group’s chest of wisdom bristles with such gems as “Calling for more minority teachers does little to address bigger problems” and “Toxic Agenda: Elections in crisis, part I.”
Their site reads like some frothy mosh pit of Yippies shrieking in delirium for world revolution.
As you can guess, Forest’s speech was a piece of work. The thrust of his remarks insinuated that God deplores the Democratic agenda. Hinting at the repeal of Social Security, our second-ranking official wondered why “we would take care of mom and dad” if we knew they had a safety net. The warrior drew this line in the sand: “The Left” has no religion but politics.
Forest might want to ask the Reverend William Barber about that. But of deeper significance was Forest’s direct attack on the good faith, literal and figurative, of half his constituents. This man harbors deep suspicions toward his fellow Americans. It’s personal. His policy program brooks no compromise; his rhetorical portfolio contains not a conciliatory page.
Team Blue could rightly wonder whether Forest is intractable. The man seems to almost literally believe their platform was written by the devil. Defeat of liberalism equates to the defeat of demons. It would require extraordinary forbearance to compromise with such a man, if indeed dealmaking is even possible.
This hypothetical points to the hard, sad fact. As long as people like Forest dominate the GOP, polarization will persist. We cannot meet on common ground if one party has built a moat, covered it with oil, and set the whole thing on fire. Fixing government will require us to change the temperament of those who govern.
@Eburn Do you really not understand the sarcasm? Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ? Wow, you better watch your epithets. Someone might think your one of Dan Forest’s acolytes. LOL
Polarization worked for Donald Trump. Dan Forest hopes it will work for him as the NC version. Hopefully, NC voters will have had enough of divisiveness and will reject Forest’s politics of fear and hate.
“As long as people like Forest dominate the GOP, polarization will persist.” What unabashed hypocrisy. Forest
gave a speech criticizing liberal policies. You cite no evidence that he engaged in any personal invective aimed at any individual. Yet you engage in a gratuitous smear of his character.
And then you have the audacity the blame the Lt. Governor and other conservatives for political polarization. Just look in the mirror if you want to know what kind of ideologues are responsible for today’s political polarization.
“Politics is the religion of the left” is personal invective against a great many Christians who translate their beliefs into action in the political marketplace. It is definitely a smear of Catholicism, which holds that it is not just OK, it is the DUTY of a Christian citizen to participate in politics for the common good.
“When I feed the poor they call me a Saint. When I ask why are there so many poor, they call me a Communist.”
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…. It’s Ebrun commenting again. As predictable as a morning turd.
This is the level of discourse we strive for at PoliticsNC.
What level is that? Did you mean to end your last comment with a question mark?
Even if your are correct in interpreting Jones’ above reply D.g.( and I doubt that you are), a question mark at the end the post would have clarified his intent.
And BTW, is gutter language the level of discourse you strive for on this blog?