Cooper’s First Ad

by | Jul 7, 2016 | Ads, Carolina Strategic Analysis, Features, NCGov, Polling | 8 comments

The Roy Cooper campaign launched their first ad of the 2016 general election. It’s actually pretty good. It depicts Cooper as one tough son of a gun who has stood up for North Carolinians against fraudsters, sexual predators, and drug dealers. The rock soundtrack playing is a nice touch.

This is your standard “introductory” ad so it doesn’t focus so much on McCrory. The “fed up” line at the end seems like more of an afterthought, but it’s a nod to angry partisans. The Cooper people will no doubt get to attacking McCrory later. In the meantime, the ad ought to help boost Cooper’s polling numbers and his favorability rating.

The McCrory campaign was quick to respond to the ad. Campaign spokesman Ricky Diaz said Cooper is restorting to “dated headlines, falsehoods and exaggerations to reintroduce himself to voters because he hasn’t been doing his job as attorney general over the past 16 years.”

The most recent polls show a close race. PPP shows a tie, while Civitas shows McCrory with a 5-point lead. Playing in McCrory’s favor is the economy. Cooper might be trying to tap into a sense of anger that really isn’t there, or isn’t significant enough to win a gubernatorial race. But HB 2 gives him an opening. Without that in the mix, this would probably be a Lean McCrory race.


  1. Ebrun

    Two incidents in two weeks, D.g. This may not have been a problem before the Charlotte ordinance or HB2, but there will be future problems now that the Obama Administration has decreed it is unlawful for state and local governments to provide separate male/female bath and locker room facilities.

    There is also a lawsuit in Illinois where parents are challenging the Obama Administration’s edict that students claiming they are transgender can access whatever locker and bath rooms and showers they choose.

  2. Ebrun

    Two incidents in the last two weeks, D.g. Maybe it’s never been a problem heretofore because state laws required separate facilities for males and females. But now the the Obama Administration has decreed that separate male/female dressings rooms are unconstitutional, it going to cause future problems like the recents incidents in Charlotte and in Idaho.

  3. Carle

    Ebrun, since when are people labeled “radical” for wanting to “pee in peace”?

  4. Ebrun

    Today, ten more states filed suit against the Obama Justice Department’s edict on transgender bathroom preferences. The suit was filed in a federal court in Nebraska, no doubt because Nebraska is in a judicial district where the federal appeals court is more conservative that the Fourth Circuit. I’ll bet we’ll get conflicting rulings from the appeals courts on this issue, and it will eventually end up before SCOTUS. Either way, McCrory will be seen as a leader against Obama Administration’s acquiescence to the radical LGBT agenda.

    With regard to the NC Governor’s race, D.g., I’ll remind you in November what I predicted in July.

  5. Ebrun

    Actually, McCrory has an edge thanks to HB2. Before the federal transgender bathroom guidance that targeted every state and local government was issued, McCrory’s approval rating was in the tank. The state’s liberal press and the national media had pitched the controversy as the big bad state imposing its will on a progressive city.

    But since the national transgender preference guidance was handed down from from the U.S. Department of Justice , eleven other states have joined NC in opposing the federal transgender bathroom edict and lawsuits have been filed in other states including Illinois and Texas. Now the Governor is seen as the leader in a national effort to oppose the unctuous, overbearing attempt by federal bureaucrats to appease LGBT militants by overturning long-standing, traditional mores of male-female separation in public facilities such as bathrooms, showers and locker rooms.

    Now that the State has filed a lawsuit against this pernicious federal intrusion into state and local affairs, McCrory’s approval rating has turned around from negative to 51% to 40% positive. Meanwhile, Cooper’s favorable/unfavorable numbers declined since he refused to defend the state against this heavy handed federal intrusion and threat to cut off federal funds.

    While elites in academia, corporate headquarters and editorial newsrooms may look on HB2 with arrogance and scorn, this obnoxious move to support LGBT radicals by the Obama Administration is unpopular with the folks and cuts across party lines.. Whether the state wins or losses its lawsuit on this matter, Governor McCrory will end up the political winner.

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