by Rick Henderson | Feb 26, 2021 | Congressional Races, NCGA, Politics, Republicans |
By RICK HENDERSON SHUTTERSTOCK IMAGE Oversight and transparency are two areas the Wall Street Journal calls DBI (Dull But Important) They aren’t as compelling as power grid seizures in Texas or censures of retiring lawmakers, but they’re essential to effective and...
by Thomas Mills | Apr 18, 2018 | Editor's Blog, NC Politics, Religion, Republicans |
Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest, a leader of North Carolina’s pro-adultery wing of the evangelical movement, called politics the “religion of the left.” That’s pretty ironic coming from the party that put an amendment on the ballot to prevent marriage equality based on...
by Alexander H. Jones | Nov 3, 2016 | National Politics, Presidential race, Republicans |
More than any candidate in memory, Donald Trump has changed politics. He hasn’t just been a major-party nominee for president. For the moment, at least, he has substantially revolutionized right-of-center political culture in this country. Here are three ways in which...
by Alexander H. Jones | Oct 27, 2016 | Campaigns, National Politics, Politics, Republicans, US Senate |
To the surprise of few, Richard Burr’s “moderation” turns out to be a mask. Faced with his first real political threat, he has chosen the way of decades of demagogues. Not for him are bipartisanship and affable pragmatism. No: In Burrworld, fear-mongering appears to...
by Alexander H. Jones | Oct 11, 2016 | 2016 Elections, NCGOP, Politics, Republicans
They did it to themselves again. Having gravely imperiled their chance to hold our governorship, Republicans have stumbled into a presidential disaster. A catastrophic, self-inflicted political wound, the Trump Tapes are as Rep. Darren Jackson pointed out “HB2 all...
by Alexander H. Jones | Sep 29, 2016 | NC Politics, Politics, Republicans |
As recently as 2009 David Frum could write, “Americans have long associated Democrats with urban machines, Republicans with personal integrity and fiscal responsibility,” iron-spined people who could be trusted to “cast an austere eye on the depredations of Democratic...