by Kirk Kovach | Feb 7, 2019 | 2020 election, Poll Analysis, Polling, The Kovach Corner
I admit: at this point, reading polls and taking them as an indication of anything more than a snapshot in time is a mistake. But to discard what they say now, and what they might portend, is also wrongheaded. Øptimus Consulting released a poll conducted between...
by Lance Tarrance | Jan 5, 2019 | Health Care, Politics, Polling
A note from Walt de Vries: V. Lance Tarrance is a Gallup Polling Analyst and Member of their Board of Directors. Lance and I have been colleagues for over 50 year and have co-authored two books on ticket-spitting. Lance’s piece looks at what I believe...
by Thomas Mills | Nov 27, 2018 | Editor's Blog, Poll Analysis, Polling
Civitas has released a poll just two weeks after the midterm election. Apparently, they’ll continue their monthly polling even in a non-election year. It’s very helpful to those of us who want to understand what’s happening in the state after the ads have stopped...
by Thomas Mills | Nov 2, 2018 | Editor's Blog, Poll Analysis
Yesterday, Meredith College released a poll with some shocking numbers. Democrats hold a 10 point advantage in the generic ballots for both legislature and Congress. Unfortunately for Democrats, the poll tested registered voters, not likely voters. In other words, the...
by Thomas Mills | Oct 9, 2018 | Editor's Blog, Poll Analysis, Polling
Dueling polls came out this week showing almost opposite results in the race for North Carolina’s 9thCongressional District. In a Survey USA poll sponsored by the conservative Civitas Institute, Democrat Dan McCready leads Republican Mark Harris by four point, 45-41....
by Thomas Mills | Sep 28, 2018 | 2018 elections, Editor's Blog, Poll Analysis
Civitas released a poll this week that shows Democrats favored heading into the midterm elections. The poll was done before the hurricane hit and before the Kavanaugh hearings. I suspect the political environment has changed since then. However, it’s probably gotten...