by Alexander H. Jones | Aug 14, 2023 | Politics |
The entrepreneur has almost disappeared from Republican-Party rhetoric. Where businessmen once loomed like Atlas in Republicans’ rhetorical world, the dominant thrust of GOP discourse today focuses upon the twin bogeys of “wokeness” and...
by Alexander H. Jones | Aug 9, 2023 | Politics
The Republican primary is hurdling towards anticlimax. Donald Trump, instigating tumult with his criminality, commands a position in the race that is effectively unchallenged. His motley assortment of hopeful opponents are all making decidedly flaccid efforts. The...
by Alexander H. Jones | Aug 8, 2023 | Politics
Congressman Dan Bishop announced recently that he is running for North Carolina Attorney General. A Machiavellian operator, Bishop carries himself with a touch of gleeful villainy. He joins a state ticket that will almost certainly be led by Donald Trump for...
by Alexander H. Jones | Aug 1, 2023 | Politics |
The relationship between liberty and extremism in the GOP has changed. Where in 1964 Barry Goldwater stunned his party’s convention by declaring that “extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice,” the leading Republicans of today train their...
by Alexander H. Jones | Jul 27, 2023 | Politics |
One of Joe Biden’s most lasting accomplishments may be that he has done a service to people who had traditionally regarded him with deep skepticism. During the 2020 primary season, the progressive wing of the Democratic Party exhibited contempt for the former...
by Alexander H. Jones | Jul 17, 2023 | Politics |
Thom Tillis has always attempted to operate with a malleable image. From the severely conservative state Speaker always on his toes to the caring grandpa contrasted with adulterous Cal, this wily politician has long adjusted his self-presentation to fit his political...