by Thomas Mills | Aug 19, 2016 | Editor's Blog, NC Politics, US Senate |
Republicans across the country are starting worry about Richard Burr. For most of the cycle, GOP insiders seemed to think that he would be alright. He had a large war chest and has proven to be hard campaigner with few high negatives. Now, though, Donald Trump...
by Thomas Mills | Aug 3, 2016 | Editor's Blog, Politics, US Senate |
The US Senate race in North Carolina is getting more attention and Republicans are getting more nervous. Yesterday, Real Clear Politics moved the race from Lean Republican to Toss Up, indicating challenger Deborah Ross is going to give incumbent Republican Richard...
by Thomas Mills | Jun 15, 2016 | Editor's Blog, NC Politics, US Senate |
Donald Trump’s rhetoric is increasingly disturbing. He’s clearly targeting Muslims as a way to garner support through fear. He runs the risk of both alienating other countries and fomenting violence against Muslims in this one. More disturbing for those of us in...
by John Wynne | Jun 9, 2016 | 2016 Elections, Carolina Strategic Analysis, Features, NC Politics, US Senate |
Senator Richard Burr – sometimes seen as the voice of the state’s business community – is now saying that the legislature “botched” HB 2 and that the law was “far too expansive.” The campaign of his opponent, Deborah Ross,...
by James Kotecki | May 26, 2016 | Campaigns, National Politics, PODCAST, Politics, The North Carolinian, US Senate |
North Carolina’s US Senate race in 2016 could be one of the most bitterly fought in the country. Democrats hope to defeat Republican incumbent Richard Burr in their battle to retake the upper chamber. But it won’t be easy: the race will be expensive, contentious, and,...
by Thomas Mills | Apr 29, 2016 | 2016 Elections, Editor's Blog, National Politics, NC Politics, US Senate |
I really don’t understand Republicans’ Congressional strategy. The whole country is mad at Congress for being ineffective and incompetent and they still won’t do their jobs. Instead, of announcing he’s doing something, Richard Burr yesterday told us he’s not going to...