by John Wynne | Nov 19, 2016 | Carolina Strategic Analysis, Features, National Politics, US Senate |
One of the lessons in the aftermath of the U.S. Senate race is this: candidates matter. The GOP fielded a strong one, a two-term senator with a down home North Carolina demeanor and a powerful position as head of the Senate Intelligence Committee. The Democrats...
by John Wynne | Nov 8, 2016 | Features, National Politics, Presidential race, US Senate
Want to know what trends to look at, and where, on Election Night? Hopefully this guide will help. Here are the crucial counties in NC: Wake A 55% Obama county, Wake is the KEY area to watch on Tuesday. Definitely for North Carolina. Possibly for the nation....
by Alexander H. Jones | Oct 27, 2016 | Campaigns, National Politics, Politics, Republicans, US Senate |
To the surprise of few, Richard Burr’s “moderation” turns out to be a mask. Faced with his first real political threat, he has chosen the way of decades of demagogues. Not for him are bipartisanship and affable pragmatism. No: In Burrworld, fear-mongering appears to...
by Alexander H. Jones | Oct 13, 2016 | 2016 Elections, NC Politics, NCGOP, US Senate |
Don’t let him fool you: Richard Burr did defend Donald Trump’s boast that “I grab them by the pussy.” Echoing the Trumpkin line, our distinguished Senator claimed, “we hear comments like this from professional athletes frequently,” (wrong), thus excusing Mr. Trump’s...
by James Kotecki | Oct 12, 2016 | 2016 Elections, Features, HB2, Issues, National Politics, North Carolina, PODCAST, Presidential race, The North Carolinian, US Senate |
Hello from one of our country’s swingiest swing states. We didn’t ask to be at the chocolatey, chewy center of this democratic Tootise Roll pop called America. But since we are, let me assure your that the country is safe with...
by John Wynne | Aug 24, 2016 | Carolina Strategic Analysis, Features, National Politics, US Senate |
The ad wars for the U.S. Senate campaign have begun. Both Richard Burr and Deborah Ross are on TV now. One is a positive spot, the other is negative. The negative ad is Ross’s. Although it doesn’t feature scary music or a foreboding narrator, it does hit...