by John Wynne | Feb 3, 2016 | 2014 Elections, 2016 Elections, Carolina Strategic Analysis, Features, National Politics, NC Politics, Presidential race, US Senate |
It should be fairly obvious by now, but those running for office in competitive, high-profile races shouldn’t skip debates. It’s bad. Ask Donald Trump. Ask our former senator, Kay Hagan. According to the Cruz campaign, Trump’s decision to skip the...
by Thomas Mills | Feb 2, 2016 | 2016 Elections, Editor's Blog, Presidential race |
The Iowa Caucuses are over and the presidential primaries are officially underway. The results last night gave shape to the GOP race and altered conventional wisdom. On the Democratic side, not much changed. The winner of the GOP caucus was the Republican...
by John Wynne | Feb 1, 2016 | Carolina Strategic Analysis, Features, National Politics, Presidential race
The Republican Party will find itself in one of three scenarios following tonight’s Iowa caucuses. I’ve outlined them below, and their implications: 1. Trump wins big. If Trump not only wins, but wins big, he will completely dominate the news cycle between...
by Thomas Mills | Feb 1, 2016 | Editor's Blog, National Politics, Presidential race |
If you’ve been following the presidential race lately, you’ve probably seen several pundits speculating that Donald Trump is killing the Republican party. Don’t believe it. Something may be attacking the GOP but it’s not The Donald. It’s the people. Donald Trump is to...
by John Wynne | Jan 19, 2016 | Carolina Strategic Analysis, Features, National Politics, Presidential race |
Is Donald J. Trump electable? Most people would say, not just no, but hell no. Senator Lindsey Graham says that the real estate billionaire is “the most unelectable Republican I’ve seen in my lifetime.” Which is why the GOP establishment is in such a...
by Thomas Mills | Jan 11, 2016 | Editor's Blog, National Politics, Presidential race |
Birthers spent the first six years of Obama’s term claiming that he was ineligible to serve as president of the United States because he was born in Kenya, which he wasn’t. Now, Ted Cruz is having his eligibility questioned. In contrast to Obama, who actually was born...