PODCAST | This Republican Believes #BlackLivesMatter

PODCAST | This Republican Believes #BlackLivesMatter

Greg Doucette supports legalizing marijuana, opposes HB2, and defends protesters from groups like Moral Mondays and Black Lives Matter. And he’s the Republican – yes, Republican – candidate for NC State Senate District 22. Doucette faces an uphill election...
More King, less Trump

More King, less Trump

Yesterday, we honored Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a man whose work included expanding access to the polls to people who had been denied the right to vote by laws passed by state governments. Until the Civil Rights Movement that King led jarred the conscience of the...
Choosing his facts

Choosing his facts

It looks like Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest wants to pick and choose his data. Forest rejected a report showing that charter schools in the state are disproportionally white and wealthy. That’s not what the light guv wanted to hear. He rejected the report as too...
Echoes of Southern demagogues

Echoes of Southern demagogues

The terrorist attacks in Paris have shown how divided we are as a country. Yesterday, President Obama said in a speech that sending in ground troops to defeat Daesh is not the answer. He also said that the United States would not turn its back on Syrian refugees....