War on the administrative state

War on the administrative state

Yesterday, the EPA held a Community Event in Fayetteville to discuss the threat of Gen X to the Cape Fear River and all the communities it serves. Congressman Richard Hudson came to show his concern. Ironically, as his opponent Frank McNeill pointed out, if Hudson had...
Subsidizing billionaires

Subsidizing billionaires

Mixed in the pork from the North Carolina GOP’s 2018 budget is a line item giving $1 million to an equestrian center in Polk County. That’s a big horse arena to host shows for wealthy owners from across the country. Among the owners are members of the Mercer family....
Plundering the poor

Plundering the poor

When North Carolina Republicans took power, one of the first things they did was change the tax code to benefit the wealthiest people in the state. They followed the same principles that the Reagan revolutionaries followed, shifting the tax burden from the rich to the...