by John Wynne | Apr 16, 2014 | Campaigns, Carolina Strategic Analysis, Features, Gay Marriage, Issues, National Politics, Obamacare, Social Issues, US Senate |
Maybe it’s time Republicans take another look at Rev. Mark Harris. At first, many dismissed Harris as just another fundamentalist, fire-and-brimstone preacher, prone to gaffes and potentially an embarrassment. But Harris has been remarkably disciplined on the...
by Thomas Mills | Mar 19, 2014 | Editor's Blog, Health Care, NC Politics, NCGA, Obamacare |
Yesterday, the power of incumbency to shape the political agenda and try to shape public opinion was on full display. The Republican-led legislature held hearings on the Affordable Care Act. They weren’t interested in learning anything useful. They just wanted to bash...
by Thomas Mills | Feb 27, 2014 | Editor's Blog, Health Care, National Politics, Obamacare |
Republicans will continue to bash it. Democrats may even lose the U.S. Senate over it. But, make no mistake, the health care debate is over and Republicans lost. I’m not talking about the program called Obamacare. I’m talking about the massive changes in how we...
by Thomas Mills | Feb 2, 2014 | 2014 Elections, Editor's Blog, Health Care, Obamacare |
Earlier this week, U.S. Senator Richard Burr and a couple of his fellow Senators rolled out a new plan to replace Obamacare. They claimed it would take the best of health care reform while scrapping all the bad parts. Now, just a few days later, the Senator and his...
by Thomas Mills | Jan 28, 2014 | 2014 Elections, Health Care, National Politics, Obamacare
Well, Richard Burr is a little short and little late. He’s offered up an alternative to Obamacare that he claims keeps the best parts of the new law while scrapping the onerous parts. You know, more gain with no pain. Where was this law back in 2005 or 2006 when the...
by Thomas Mills | Dec 27, 2013 | Editor's Blog, Health Care, Obamacare
Here’s my prediction on Obama and the Affordable Care Act. Like it or not, we now have health care reform, a goal of politicians for generations. It’s been a difficult process and what is in place today may not be the final product, but it will not go away, either....