by Thomas Mills | May 18, 2016 | Editor's Blog, LGBT Rights |
The message of the press release was clear. Businesses are turning to Attorney General Roy Cooper for assurances that North Carolina is still a good place to live and work. Pat McCrory has clearly lost their confidence. Braeburn Pharmaceuticals announced that it would...
by Thomas Mills | May 13, 2016 | Editor's Blog, LGBT Rights, NC Politics |
House Bill 2 is now causing a bit of a stir among the top of the North Carolina Republican ticket. Last week, Governor Pat McCrory said that Congress should take up the issue of who should use which bathroom. The governor has been burned enough by the misguided bill...
by Thomas Mills | May 10, 2016 | Editor's Blog, LGBT Rights |
Six months out from the presidential election and politics have blown up in our collective face. A reality star who throws out childish insults and calls people silly names is the Republican nominee for president. A debate over who can use the bathroom where has...
by Thomas Mills | Apr 28, 2016 | Editor's Blog, LGBT Rights |
What a lousy idea. Republicans in the state Senate want to put House Bill 2 up for a referendum. We’re not a referendum state and it won’t solve anything. It might make matters considerably worse. If the bill is put up for a vote of the people, it will either be a...
by Thomas Mills | Apr 27, 2016 | Editor's Blog, LGBT Rights |
Republicans just can’t seem to untangle themselves from House Bill 2. It started out as a bill about which bathrooms transgender people can use. It quickly became about discrimination and government overreach. Now, with companies opting out of the state, organizations...
by Thomas Mills | Apr 25, 2016 | Editor's Blog, LGBT Rights |
Much to his chagrin, President Pro-tem Phil Berger and his so-called “bathroom bill” have started a national conversation about transgender people. Berger thought he had an easy target: a group of socially marginalize people with little political clout. He could pass...