Last words on HB2

Last words on HB2

I’m not going to write much more about the HB2 repeal bill but after spending too much time on social media this weekend, I need to get this off my chest. I don’t know if I would have voted for the repeal bill had I been in the General Assembly. I’ve got too many LGBT...
HB2.Gone, for better or worse

HB2.Gone, for better or worse

Politics is ugly and the bill that passed as a repeal of HB2 was proof. That said, it also helped the state move forward. The interest groups on both sides are vowing to keep the issue alive but they won’t be able to keep the momentum. Most of the state is just tired...
Ideological bankruptcy

Ideological bankruptcy

Republicans rolled into power in North Carolina touting the slogan “North Carolina is open for business.” The small print said “as long as you’re straight, white and Christian.” Since they’ve taken power in the state, the GOP has passed a series of bills that clearly...
Role reversal

Role reversal

This weekend, Greenville, South Carolina reaped the benefits of North Carolina’s notorious HB2. The NCAA banned North Carolina from hosting tournament games and our neighbor to the south picked up the contests. It’s a dramatic reversal from the traditional roles the...