The extremist mindset

The extremist mindset

Has anyone so decisively lost a debate, and so stubbornly insisted on continuing it? In a move that will guarantee their historical disgrace, Thom Tillis and Phil Berger intervened, at the last minute, to keep same-sex couples from marrying. Our challenge is not to...
Not your average family

Not your average family

Yesterday was truly an historic day. For all intents and purposes, the Supreme Court cleared the way for people in North Carolina to marry the people they love. The governor, for his part, said his administration wouldn’t spend time or money to fight the court’s...
The Legislature: Doing the Job the Attorney General Won’t Do

Time to move on

The battle for marriage equality is over. The social conservatives lost and humanity won. Most people in this country have come to accept that two people loving and committing to each other is a good thing, not a bad one–or at least they acknowledge that it’s...