by Thomas Mills | Oct 31, 2019 | Editor's Blog, Education
Yesterday, Republicans wrote a Democratic political ad. They’re holding teachers and state employees raises hostage unless Democrats drop their bid to expand Medicaid and give health care to the working poor. That’s just cold. I don’t know who in the GOP thought that...
by Kirk Kovach | Mar 6, 2019 | Budget, Education, Politics, The Kovach Corner
Governor Cooper released his recommendations for the 2019-21 fiscal year budgets yesterday. As was expected, the proposed budget from Cooper highlighted his commitment to invest a notable amount of resources into education in North Carolina. Some top-line information...
by Thomas Mills | Aug 16, 2018 | 2018 elections, Editor's Blog, Education |
It’s election time and Republican legislators are again claiming they’re spending more money on public schools. In direct mail pieces and in social media posts, they’re bragging about their record on education. So once again, it’s time to ask, where’s the money? If...
by Thomas Mills | May 30, 2018 | Editor's Blog, Education |
The Republicans in the legislature are taking an unprecedented approach to ramming through a budget drawn behind closed doors and unopen to debate or amendments. Cynics who watch the legislature say the budget is always drawn behind closed doors. Maybe so, but it’s...
by Thomas Mills | May 18, 2018 | Editor's Blog, Education |
To look at GOP graphs explaining public education funding, you’d think that the legislature didn’t start paying for public schools until 2008. Every one begins with a downward trend for two years and then a dramatic upswing when Republicans took control. Like Oz the...
by Thomas Mills | May 16, 2018 | 2018 elections, Editor's Blog, Education |
Democrats have the right message on education and they need to stick with it. North Carolina is 37th in teacher pay and 39thin per pupil spending. Republicans in Raleigh let our public schools down, denying them text books, supplies and support staff. Instead, they’ve...