by Kirk Kovach | Nov 20, 2019 | Campaigns, New Day for NC
The fellow from down east was fed up with his neighbors calling Democrats “socialists.” He fumed, “Some of the people yelling loudest about socialists are the biggest socialists around.” How’s that? “They’re farmers, and they get farm subsidies,...
by Kirk Kovach | Aug 29, 2019 | 2018 elections, 2020 election, Campaigns, The Kovach Corner
Back to the future! In what is likely, and certainly feels like, the longest congressional election ever, the voters of the 9th District are going to the polls. If you’re interested in digging into the numbers, as always Prof. Michael Bitzer from Old North State...
by Michael Cooper | Nov 8, 2016 | 2016 Elections, Campaigns, Features, National Politics
12:59 – Roy Came out and declared victory. We’re headed to a recount. He’s in the stronger position. Roy has long been the top vote getter of North Carolina Democrats. He came though again. We think. Outside of the that it’s been a sad and...
by Michael Cooper | Nov 7, 2016 | 2016 Elections, Campaigns, Features, NC Politics
Hillary Clinton is about to close her campaign on the campus of N.C. State. If she loses Ohio, but wins the presidency through North Carolina, you can expect us to be a swing-state for years to come. We’ll know Tuesday night just how much the demographics have...
by Alexander H. Jones | Oct 27, 2016 | Campaigns, National Politics, Politics, Republicans, US Senate |
To the surprise of few, Richard Burr’s “moderation” turns out to be a mask. Faced with his first real political threat, he has chosen the way of decades of demagogues. Not for him are bipartisanship and affable pragmatism. No: In Burrworld, fear-mongering appears to...
by James Kotecki | Oct 19, 2016 | 2016 Elections, Campaigns, Education, HB2, Moral Monday, NC House Races, NC Politics, North Carolina, PODCAST, Politics, The North Carolinian
When you think about the kind of candidates that get state Democrats excited this year, you might not think of a woman who once received unemployment benefits, was once arrested, and was once a Republican. But that’s Jen Ferrell, the now-Democratic challenger of a...